13 Famous Artificial Intelligence Quotes by Google Founders & CEO
1. "Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the Web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We're nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on." -- Larry Page
2. "Google will fulfil its mission only when its search engine is AI-complete. You guys know what that means? That's artificial intelligence." -- Larry Page
3. "One of our big goals in search is to make search that really understands exactly what you want, understands everything in the world. As computer scientists, we call that artificial intelligence." -- Larry Page
4. “If you had all of the world’s information directly attached to your brain, or an artificial brain that was smarter than your brain, you’d be better off.” -- Sergey Brin
5. “One of my favourite things is artificial intelligence, but it has gotten a very bad rap, but my prediction is that when AI happens it’s going to be a lot of computation and not so much clever algorithms but just a lot of computation. My theory is that if you look at your programming, your DNA, it’s about 600 megabytes compressed, so it’s smaller than any modern operating system, smaller than Linux or Windows or anything like that, your whole operating system, that includes booting up your brain. So your program algorithms probably aren’t that complicated, it’s probably more about the overall computation. We have some people at Google who are trying to build artificial intelligence and to do it on a large scale to make search better. Very few [other] people are working on this, and I don’t think it’s as far off as people think.” – Larry Page
6. “The ultimate search engine would understand everything in the world. It would understand everything that you asked it and give you back the exact right thing instantly. You could ask ‘what should I ask Larry?’ and it would tell you.” -- Larry Page
7. “One of our big goals in search is to make search that really understands exactly what you want, understands everything in the world. As computer scientists, we call that artificial intelligence.” -- Larry Page
8. “AI is one of the most important things humanity is working on. It is more profound than, I dunno, electricity or fire.” -- Sundar Pichai
9. “We have learned to harness fire for the benefits of humanity but we had to overcome its downsides too. So my point is, AI is really important, but we have to be concerned about it.” -- Sundar Pichai
10. “The world still has not grasped the effects of AI or the need of government regulations. I worry about people underestimating the mid to long-term changes that AI can bring.” -- Sundar Pichai
11. "Google has tried to put in a set of AI principles. Though everything might not be right at the moment, we tried to start it, even though regulation in the early days is hard." -- Sundar Pichai
12. "AI is probably the most important thing humanity has ever worked on." -- Sundar Pichai
13. "Building General Artificial Intelligence in a way that helps people meaningfully - I think the word moonshot is an understatement for that." -- Sundar Pichai
Source: https://mindgrad.com/free-reads/f/artificial-intelligence-quotes
Source: https://mindgrad.com/free-reads/f/artificial-intelligence-quotes
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