Have you ever felt inadequate? Have you ever felt ignored? Have you ever felt alone? Have you ever feared judgements? Have you ever questioned your own abilities?
There must have been bazillions of feelings like these that may have exploded like a volcano in your heart at some point of time in your lives, but you must realize that it is completely normal to feel this way. All of us, in our hard moments, think this way and feel this way. These are the moments when we are running low on self-confidence.
Self-Confidence is a feeling that empowers you from within yourself. It is an emotion that makes you comfortable with your own self. It is a positive energy that makes you fall in love with yourself as well as a jewel that enhances your personality. Unfortunately, self-confidence in our society has become a rare prospect. It is because, with time, people are becoming more and more vulnerable to futile judgements of others which tend to influence their own mindset regarding themselves.
There is a big difference between astute and arrogance. The best remedy for this is not to make efforts to imbibe blind optimism, but rather to look at the scenario with a more realistic approach. Here are some mantras you need to remember to gain self-confidence:
1.Have the Right Knowledge! - Having the right knowledge and detailed information about the topic at hand is an essential prerequisite to gain confidence. If you have found yourself in a situation where you felt left out in a discussion or were unable to answer a question posed to you, it is because you lack the proper knowledge of the topic. Proper knowledge itself is enough to make you feel self-confident even if you don't have a flair for speeches.
2. Visualize your goal. - It is rightly said that a dream is lived twice, first in the mind and then in reality. If your mind can imagine what you want to achieve, it can also program itself into action and eventually make a dream, reality for you. Visualizing success helps in building a belief on a possibility that can be converted into a reality. Your thoughts make your attitude, and your attitude defines your life. Let the thoughts pertaining to your goal consume your mind.
Sharing your goal with a few trustworthy people in your life can also serve as an incentive for these people will continuously serve as a motivating agent in your life and will keep you confident even on your low days. Recollecting past achievements also helps in boosting confidence by giving you a sense of fulfilment and motivation. Hence, it is good to relive past achievements whenever you feel dampened by the present pressures.
3. Dogs bark. Let them bark! - There are going to be so many people who are going to tell you that you won’t be able to accomplish your goal, or that your goal is too big or that you’re not ready. However, during those instances in your life, you need to maintain your sanity. Remember, that there are enough people who are doing it to us already that we too begin to demotivate ourselves and thereby, make our life a story of complexity issues.
You must be resolute. While others tell you that the odds are against you, just remember that these are the people who are not only jealous but also afraid of your potential that can cross all the boundaries of success. There are billions of people in this planet, people with a mouth to speak, some will spill diamonds whereas others, just negativity. Hence, you cannot afford to let opinions of those who spill negativity affect you so much so that you begin doubting yourself. Rather, focus your time and energy of the remaining ones who motivate you.
4. There is no substitute for hard work - When you make yourself more familiar to a situation or an experience, you make it easier for yourself to deal with it. This increases your self-confidence.
Get things done. Practice makes a man perfect. Have a task in hand? Do it right now. Start making it a habit to complete the designated work, as soon as possible. Try to complete as much work as possible in a particular time frame. This begins with setting day- to-day goals. Make a to-do list every day and strike off as and when things are done. If you accomplish the goals you set for every day, chances are you will begin meeting weekly and monthly goals, which brings you in range of your bi-annual and annual goals. This does wonders in making you feel good about yourself.
5. Feel good about yourself & Introspect- Pen down all the good things that happened to you in a journal daily. It makes you appreciate even the little things that you do in your life and makes you a more positive person who feels good about himself/herself. Do not dress to impress but dress for yourself. Make yourself comfortable in whatever you wear rather than changing your styles according to advises of others.
Introspect – it is okay to ask for the opinions of others but do not make them a full-fledged framework rather learn to reflect on situations yourself. independently. Independence from others is essential to gain self-confidence, for becoming independent of others liberates you from the snares of opinions of others and lets you think for yourself.
6. Fear - Face Everything and Rise! - Failing isn't your enemy, it's fearing failure that truly cripples you. If you have very high ambitions and dreams for yourself of doing it all in a day, you're going to feel overwhelmed, and you're inevitably going to feel like you can't do it. You must understand that to achieve the big, you need to start with the little. Hence, develop a path for yourself that takes you to your dream. Walk step by step, go day by day. Instead of having impractical desires to achieve it all in a day, break your path into tasks for the day.
You need to keep going on, keep moving on. Perseverance is what matters. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along' You must do the thing you think you cannot do."- Eleanor Roosevelt
7.Stop comparing! - Ask yourself what the best version of yourself can be, and work on it. Why compare yourself with others? Compare yourself with yourself. Be your own little competition. Each day strive to be better than yesterday. Instead of bothering yourself with the lives of others, try and focus on your own self and work on yourself. Authentic confidence has nothing to do with selfishness or needing approval from others.
Every individual is different and unique, comparing self to others is like comparing Harry Potter to Sherlock Holmes. Do they have anything similar?
No, they don’t! However, both the characters have smitten the world with their own individual identities.
8. Interact! - Interacting with others builds up not only your communication skills but also with time, instills a sense of confidence inside you for you begin to realize your ability to handle yourself amongst strangers. Interactions groom our abilities to communicate and listen and help us in shaping opinions of different concerns.
9.Self-worth: Celebrate You! : Self-confident people have one key ingredient which others don’t: They know and believe that they can do whatever they set out to achieve. They believe in their own talents. And, even when they receive failure or rejections, they do not belittle themselves, rather channelize their energy into a more refined effort. They appreciate even the little achievements they do.
Celebrating your efforts is essential to gain self-confidence for these little efforts are blocs to success and you must take some time off to celebrate every bloc to create something big. Every effort, big or small, which is dedicated to your goal, matters and you must appreciate it before moving forward for it gives you the zeal and courage to keep going on.
- Kashish Goel
Source: https://mindgrad.com/free-reads/f/9-tricks-for-self-confidence
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