4 Practical Steps for Cracking NEET in 6 Months

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If your question is –Can I Crack Neet in 6 months?
With great joy, I hereby declare – An absolute yes. You have been told its near impossible but guess what, the word impossible itself says 'I am possible'.The only thing between you and acing neet is a wastage of time.

1. Figure out your interests:

The first thing you need to do is decide whether neet is truly something you want to do, not from peer pressure, not because you have been told to do but your hearts wish. It is a decision of life, give it some time and think it through.

Ask yourself these questions-
Is it truly something that makes you happy? 
Can you handle 8+ years of intense study?
Can you take responsibility for someone's life?
Can you dissect cadavers? 
And the list is endless. Before jumping into conclusions make sure you have thought it through.

And even after an intense brainstorming session of self-reflection, if the answer is a 'Yes'  then congratulations you have just found your career path. Since you are at the most perfect time, you do not even have a second to waste.Here are the next steps you need to immediately take-

2. Time Management (and I cannot stress it enough)

These 6 months no phone, no games, no gossip, no procrastinating, ONLY studies. Time management is one of the key aspects where students fail. It is one of the most important and most overlooked topics. Effective lesson spacing and periodic revision can go a long way and even beat the forgetting curve.

1)Divide the 6 months into a period of 1 month, 2 months, 2 months, and 1 month.

2) In the first section of 1 month- Quickly learn new concepts and check on pending work which requires memorization. Clear confusing concepts and practice organic chemistry as if your life depended on it (which it does).

3)Then comes Preboards-During this time revise class 12 syllabus and this includes NCERT, external materials, lecture notes, etc (revision strategy mentioned below).

4) After preboards- Only Practice questions! Practice questions ! Practice questions!

5)Time for boards which means an extra revision. By this time you should be fluent with class 12 syllabus and able to recite formulas in your sleep.

6) Post board period (NO FUN)- actively revise the class 11 syllabus. Don't practice sums before  2 days of the exam and concentrate on the revision of subjective topics and formulas. theoretical concepts.

3. Time table formation:

Now, this is an aspect where only you can help yourself. This is because a time table is a highly personal attribute, as each person is unique. Here is a list of things to consider while formulating your timetable:

When are you most productive?

Are you an early bird or night owl?
What are your sleeping habits?
Do you experience an afternoon slump or are you active at noon?
Do you prefer studying in groups or studying alone?

Pro Tip-Try to finish the harder task second. This is because if you finish an easy task first it will provide your brain with the motivation to go on and secondly as the harder task is right after the easier one we won't have wasted our limited share of daily willpower and have more stamina to go on and about the hard task. Also do not inculcate the habit of using a calculator.

4. Use unlimited free resources

In the age of the internet, nothing is impossible. Almost everything is free online on various sources.
For starters follow the Unacademy YouTube channel as they have unlimited free live classes along with the lecture notes attached in the description box of the video. They also have free test series on their website where they evaluate the progress and result and mail it to you.

Sharing a personal experience-My sister cracked NEET with a whopping 590 score with only 6 months and 13 days of hard work (she is just an average student). If she can do it so can you. The Internet can make you, or break you. You have to decide. Remember 6 months of hard work can lead you to the college of your dreams. Do not give up, consistency is key. If you fail, get up, and never give up.

Best of luck.

Written by - Suchismita Sinha

Edited by - Bushra Makhdoomi

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