7 Incredible Ways to Be a Good Writer

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug

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“You don’t start out writing good stuff. You start out writing crap and thinking it’s good stuff, and then gradually you get better at it.

That’s why I say one of the most valuable traits is persistence.”
― Octavia E. Butler

When you listen to the term practise writing, what is the term that comes to your mind, is it improving handwriting? No, it deals with practise your writing skills. It is about developing into a writer. One of the main objective to practice writing is to help your mind and body grow to think in a broader and higher orbit. Similarly, this builds your mind in a certain way that you develop a perspective in every aspect.

Basically, free writing refers to picking up a topic, developing thought and presenting them into a format and language that successfully transfers your ideas into the reader.

Following is the procedure by which you can practice writing:

1. Write in One Flow:

While writing anything, do not divert your attention or get yourself engaged in some miscellaneous chores or leave it in between. Sit down with proper attention at once at do not lift up without completing a part of writing. While writing you develop a particular set up of your mind and you process the thoughts in a sequential manner.

2. Do Not Multitask:

Do not multitask at a moment. While you are writing you should not edit your words at the same time. Editing words, language polishing and other editing process take place after a write up is complete. Raw data needs to be produced on paper or on any digital notes. Editing and writing at the same time lead to discrepancies. By the method of multitasking method, you won't be able to present your original thoughts.

3. Do Not Overanalyze Grammar And Language:

The first draft should be originally made up of your original thoughts rather than grammar fixing and language. One must not worry about grammar as there are always a few apps and grammar correction software.

4.  Do Not Blurt Random Thoughts:

While you write a point, you do not have to overdraw and overstretch it. One person should always make a point in a clear and precise manner. If your talks keep revolving around the same thing in different manners, then it does not serve interest to the readers as they feel only a single thought coming out of all the text. One must control all the feelings of the heart and do not get emotional with words.

Although, this is a continues process which develops steadily by continuous writing.

5. Connect Thoughts:

While writing any piece of writing one should not be fast and expect your audience to assume things. You should practice process writing like going from point A to point B then to point C. For example, one must make their audience tell about human folly by stating the introduction, causes, solutions and later conclusion. This is the way of writing is a process where each thing connects itself to the other.

6. Write Without a Doubt:

Similarly, while writing an idea you must not think any write which makes you feel uncomfortable or sensitive to the readers. One must stick to a mentality one has developed and kept on writing the thoughts without any worry of the criticism.

7. Write Regularly:

After you write something, you must not feel confident about it and feel low about your words and perspective. But keep in mind that development into a writer is a continuous process. You should write every day whether it be a single liner. Similarly, you can also adopt the technique of asking a few people to give you reviews about your words.

Similarly, you should keep in mind that those people must not be the ones who are toxic about you rather you must seek an opinion from the ones who are always supportive and giving you the genuine opinions.


By following such simple techniques one may be able to help themselves to develop into a better version of the writer and be able to portray your thoughts in a better way.
One must be loyal and truthful to themselves into the process of development.

Written by - Srishti Garg

Edited by - Nidhi Verma


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