"Good Food Never Fail in Bringing People Together." - Jatin and Kanika Khanna

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

Our journey goes back to 2017 when I was studying engineering just like any other neighborhood kid! I started this page just out of curiosity without having any ulterior motive. I used to go to these blogger's meet and would post stuff on Zomato and all so to get invites and free food of course! It then became a hobby and now a full-fledged career for me. My sister joined me in 2018 adding the dimension of Travel to this page, that’s team Dawatehind for you.

2. When did you first decide that you wanted to create content and how did you start?

As I said, it all started randomly without any particular criteria in the head. A few months into it, I started really enjoying it. I figured there were exceptionally good food pages and that's when I started taking it seriously and what started as just a random food page turned into more of an exploration, along with travel (when my sister came on board)

3. Is vlogging and Instagram content creation a financially sustainable career?
The answer to this question totally depends upon your will. There is definitely a huge struggle and challenges and there is no certain paycheck you will be getting at the end of the month but then if you do sincerely believe in your content, if your passion is visible then this could be a very fruitful way of earning money!

4. Who is your favorite creator and why?

I am definitely a huge fan of Dennis Prescott, his food flat lays are so beautiful that I don't have enough words to explain it! His feed is definitely a treat to sore eyes and one of the biggest reasons why I and my sister started exploring and experimenting with food styling.

5. How and where do you find inspiration to churn out content?

Our content drives inspiration from daily lives. We want to bring culture and stories through the medium of food so the inspiration gets driven from other amazing content creators, ideas from Pinterest, YouTube, etc.

6. What does your typical day look like?

It involves a lot of brainstorming and quarreling with my sister over what we have to post! :D Aside from this, we spend time in shooting videos, then a lot of time in editing, some days it's just about searching for something unique.

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

While I am not a voracious reader, one book that I had read more than once is Questions are the Answers. It's an amazing book for anyone who wishes to be an entrepreneur. As for my sister, she is into reading a lot more than me and I guess hers is Khaled Hosseini's A thousand splendid suns

8. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring creators?

Find your own individuality, do not absolutely don't copy anyone, don't do it for any quick rewards (as there are none), and most importantly be consistent.

- Jatin and Kanika Khanna, Food Bloggers at Dawatehind

- Interviewed by Shilpy Sharan

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