"Concentrate on Improving Your Skills" - Ankita Jain

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

It has been pretty much a simple journey. Started my CA preparation after 12th. Cleared CPT in the first attempt. Did graduation and CA inter studies simultaneously. After that did post-graduation and CA final together. After studies joined GE my first job as assistant manager finance. Currently working as Lead-  Reporting with Lease plan India with a total of 7 years of experience.

2. Your preferred Financial Daily.

Economic Times

3. Your tips to the younger generation on how to go about understanding the basic financial stuff.

Involve yourself in day to day finances of your family and try understanding the budgeting etc. Also, keep yourself updated to the economic movements in the country.

4. How can one know if Finance is the field for them? Can one take a test for the same?

Interest and understanding of finance-related matters could be an indication that Finance is their field. Otherwise, there are many aptitude tests also available to judge someone's capability. But the prime criteria remains interested in Finance.

5. One advice that you feel would have helped you while starting out in this field?

Hard work is the key. Whether it is during studies or after studies during the job. Be prepared to work hard. The dedication towards this field will help you achieve the goal. Sharpening your skills with time comes after some years of experience. Once you have some ground-level working experience concentrate on improving your skills.

Interview by - Kashish Jain

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