5 Amazing Tips to Help You Sleep Better

woman sleeping on blue throw pillow

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Sleep is a crucial part of our life moreover maintaining a good sleeping schedule even more important. Everyone should at least get 7 to 8 hours of good night sleep! It is as essential as eating healthy and exercising is for your overall health. Albeit many may not get 7 to 8 hours of necessary sleep every night in this lockdown or in general. 
Sleeping late every day or not getting sufficient sleep at night leads to long term health issues like diabetes, heart attack or strokes, depression and anxiety, etc. Lack of sleep makes you more susceptible to getting sick as it weakens your immune system, making it easy for your body to catch the flu or cold.

It not only affects your physical and mental health but also causes an increase in your weight, leading to obesity. Apart from these health problems, it makes you irritable and tired all day long making it difficult for you to concentrate on your work or chores. 
Poor sleep additionally makes you absent-minded, you forget or misremember information, for example, an assignment you were to complete, picking up some groceries, working an errand, etc. You feel so exhausted or get a headache as though someone is beating inside your head that you don’t feel adequate enough to carry out any tasks, hindering your schedule. So, in case you have trouble sleeping at night, here are some tips to help you get a good night sleep!

1. Turn off all your electronic devices

Unplugging from your electronic devices may not seem simple for all us, but it must be done. Our eyes are glued to all kinds of screens, playing video games, watching TV or Web series on our computers, aimlessly scrolling through social media on our phone for hours together without even talking to or interacting with someone, reading on the tablets, computers and phones etc., so much so that we lose track of time.

Despite telling yourself every night that you're going to bed earlier that day, you stay up late because of your electronics. So, turn it off and keep it away from you to stay committed to sleeping on time, the rest can wait until the next morning when you're feeling fresh and energized to be productive and do what you want without getting tired or lazy.

2. Meditate

One of the reasons for your inability to sleep at night might have something to do with your worries or anxiety. It may be what you're constantly thinking about and bugging you like your troubles, sadness, fears, etc. they might be keeping you up at night. Now, this is something you can't control. You can't just stop your mind from thinking, can you? But, what you can do is try to find some peace and Meditation can help you with that.
 Meditation is not something that will instantly put you to sleep, you have to focus on that. Sit comfortably, avoid all the noise in your surrounding, if any, pay attention to your breathing. Close your eyes, try to relax and refrain from thinking about anything. All your concentration should be on breathing.

In this case, some applications available on Play Store help you meditate, for example, Calm - Meditate, Sleep Relax, Let's Meditate: Sleep & Guided Meditation, Meditation Plus: music, timer, relax, etc. You can also listen to music like the sounds of nature or soft music that can put you at ease and make you feel relaxed, they can be found on Spotify or YouTube.

3.Refrain from Coffee Intake

Cut down on your consumption of caffeine in the late evenings. It will deter the quality of your sleep, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night. Drinking coffee may produce energy and focus within you that will make you restless. It may also hike your anxiety which will make it almost impossible for you to sleep. You do not want it to keep your mind running with thoughts instead of resting. 
If you need to sip on a beverage before bedtime, you should indulge some alternatives that are decaffeinated and worth giving a shot. Ashwagandha or Indian Ginseng and Peppermint tea help reduce your anxiety, headache and calm your mind. Consume something that puts you at ease, milk works too!

4. Don't take naps during the day

No matter how tired you get, avoid taking naps in the day. The more naps you take in the day the harder it is for you to get quality sleep at night. Try your best to sleep in one stretch for at least 6-7 hours at night, if you're exhausted or sleepy you can nap for 30 minutes or an hour. 

5.Early to Bed and Early to Rise

Practice going to bed early at night and waking up early in the morning, it'll help your body get accustomed to the schedule and eventually as time passes it will need rest at the same time every night. Exercise daily in the morning or anytime in the day, be productive and get all your work done before late evening. Reserve night time purely for relaxation and quality sleep. This should make you less tired in the morning and hopefully wake you satisfied.
A lot of factors come into play when deciding how to sleep better, but it all differs from person to person. For example, a darker surrounding that isn't very bright may help one sleep early, that is, by turning off the extra white lights, or sleeping where it is cooler may generally lead some people to drift into sleep.

Comfort is also very important when it comes to sleeping, it is all about relaxing after all. The bed or mattress you rest on, the pillow you lay your head on or the blanket/ duvet you use to cover your body should all be comfortable for you. 
Keep in mind all the tips mentioned above and remember how important quality sleep is. Take action to improve your sleeping patterns, it will not only recover your physical and mental health but also increase productivity in your life. There's a chance you'll get more things done in the morning if you sleep soundly at night and wake up well-rested and energized!

Written by - Ivanova

Edited by - Nidhi Verma

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