"Remember the Importance of Mental Health." - Adiba

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

Hello, I’m Adiba, from Bangalore.

I'm a 22-year-old who is just finishing her undergrad with a major in Psychology.

Starting a mental health positive community has always been one of my goals, but I decided to wait until I had more theoretical knowledge and a better foundation for the same. Hence, when I was in my final year of Undergrad I finally took the initiative and step to start the page. 

I started Mind Splatters (@mind_splatters), a mental health page on Instagram in October of 2019 to spread mental health awareness and make sure it gets the attention it deserves. Here I curate and share motivational and educational content relating to mental health.

I am also a self-taught artist who enjoys the process of making art and I have a whole other page for my art (@addyartss). I'm working towards including art into the process of building a mental health positive environment to adapt to a new and innovative way of helping people.

2. What led you to take up this career path?

Growing up, I always had a keen interest to know and understand why people feel and behave the way they do, why someone gets angry more frequently than others, or why someone gets upset more often. The questions were endless, the curiosity to learn and understand human behavior that developed in me when I was in 7th grade has only grown since then, with some research and guidance at the time I was certain that I wanted to be a Psychologist.

The amount of help my family and I have received in our lives from the power of the therapy to make sense of difficult things motivates me to move closer towards my goal of becoming a psychologist.

3. What are some common myths in society about psychology?

We live in a world where if someone breaks their arm we run over to sign their cast, but if someone tells us they're depressed, we tend to avoid conversation and run away from it.

Mental health is highly neglected and is still considered a taboo in some parts of the world or in some communities.
The Worries of 'Log Kya Kahenge?' and the notion of “Its all in your head” must stop.

The need to appear normal, the need to keep the family drama invisible to protect the family honor Forces people to not ask for help.
Some common myths about psychology that even I have heard when I told people what I'm studying are -
  • Psychology is easy
This assumption is because people think that since they have so much personal experience with human behavior it needn't be studied.
  •  Psychology is not a science
Psychology is rooted in scientific methods and uses the scientific method to conduct experiments, conduct statistical analysis, and report the results of their studies.

4. How can people practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment—and accepting it without judgment (this being the key point). Mindfulness Improves mood and levels of happiness and well-being, reduces anxiety, and improves working memory.

When you’re feeling distracted or overwhelmed, practicing mindfulness would be the best option.

You can practice mindfulness by observing your breathing for a few minutes every day, going for a walk, journaling, or just about anything we do regularly – showering, washing the dishes, and being in the moment without drifting into the future or the past.

These are a few powerful ways to strengthen our mind, body, and spirit.

5. What are your tips for people who want to practice this profession?

Becoming a psychologist is a wonderful opportunity to help people work through issues and increase their quality of life. Before I picked this as my career I had to be sure that I understood the importance of mental health, that I would be willing to help people and that I wanted to listen. 

One thing I've learned through my professors and internships is the importance of not taking home the sessions from work, to leave all that you listen through a client behind clinic doors. Another thing would be to always keep your eyes and ears open, you can notice and learn new things every day!

6. Is work-life balance a myth or reality according to you?

I believe that having a healthy boundary between work and personal life is essential. Whether someone is in a 9-5 job or an entrepreneur, taking time out to do things they enjoy, spend time with people they love, or even to practice self-care will reduce stress, increase morale, and would prevent burnout in the workplace.

Developing this boundary is becoming difficult because we are connected through technology and social media. Here are some ways to help you maintain a good work-life balance:

  •  Prioritize your daily tasks  
  • Limit time-wasting activities and people 
  • Plan out your breaks and take them without excuses
  • Spend time with friends and family 
  •  Spend time on your hobby or passion 
  • Don’t take work calls from home (or at a time when your workday is over) 
  • Maintain a proper diet, sleep, and exercise 

Remember the importance of your mental and physical health at all times.

7. How according to you can one manage stress?

Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life, some amount of stress is considered to be good as it motivates people towards better performance.

When the amount of stress is beyond a person's ability to cope it tends to damage health, relationships, and quality of life. Stress management is an important skill every person must learn.

Firstly you must identify what triggers your stress and then practice ways to relax -

  • Take a walk to clear out your head, practice mind fullness
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Try to exercise regularly 
  • Have a fixed sleep schedule with enough hour
  • Set aside time for yourself and practice self-care
  • Meditate. 

If none of this helps as much as you need it to, don’t feel like you have to figure it out on your own. Get help and support from family and friends or a therapist. 

- Adiba, Psychology student

- Interviewed by Shilpy Sharan

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