"We Designers Need To Keep Upgrading Our Design Styles" - Sooraj Nair

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1. When and how did you choose to be a graphic designer?  

I started my graphic design career on October 1, 2018. And I was basically a really creative guy since my childhood, so I've been told. But when I started doing the designs, it became more clear for me to what I need to focus on. So that way I stuck on to it. 

2. What is the role and scope of work for a graphic designer? 

The purpose of a graphic designer is making text content into visual content, keeping in mind how you want your designs to look and should definitely be related to the clients' target market. The central aspect of graphic design are concepts and how you try to show that concept visually. In simple words, making a boring content to making it look attractive and effective and being minimalistic on every design. Even a small error can mean something else. 

3. Which are some of the tools & software that a graphic designer must be aware of? 

On the topic of tools, there's a lot we can use and to list out all of them is going to take a lot of space. The basic is the shapes of objects and using them to make something look appealing. Regarding the software side, again, there's a lot. Still, the main ones are Corel draw, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Adobe XD.. and the list goes on. 

4. How, in your opinion, has this profession changed over the years?

If I have to see to my profession, we not only get to know the clients but understand what they look for in the designs but understanding their behaviour and trying to grasp their knowledge, due to proof checking the content for the final artwork that is sent for print, we gain a lot of knowledge on their services as well and can be used as a contact in future necessities either for our use or referral. 

5. Do you often have to keep upskilling yourself? 

Yes, we designers need to keep upgrading our design styles and be up to date with the market, keeping in mind the clients' needs alongside too make it more efficient so that they stand out in the modern world and not dwell in the past. 

6. How can one develop a keen sense for design and aesthetics? 

Umm... People need just to follow what they love to do. You can't force someone to do something they don't like. But if the person is interested, he or she needs to learn the software basics then the skills later learn how to develop the concepts and image selection for any kind of designs. 

7. Your favourite book, and why? 

I wasn't really a fan of reading books. It isn't my cup of tea, cus I get stuck with one line after a while and continue reading that for like a hundred times. So, no... It doesn't work out well with me. 

Interview by - Sejal

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