Cross - Cultural Sensitivity: Importance and Awareness

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The world is indeed a small place and we have now become a global village. However, we can’t deny the fact that values are different across the globe. Culture impacts everything we do and hence, it defines us. Different cultures will have different perspectives on things. Verbal language and body language is culturally informed. Understanding different cultures is known as cultural awareness and knowing about it makes you a global citizen. 

When you pack your bag and start travelling to various places, you will meet people belonging to different origins and cultures. Or, when you go abroad to work or study, you will get introduced to a new workplace culture or study environment. So, we need to be aware of cultural differences and similarities that exist between people without judging them as positive, negative, right, or wrong. 

Having cultural sensitivity doesn’t mean you need to be an expert in all cultural values. It means that you are willing to learn and practice empathy rather than judging people around you. You need to do a bit of homework beforehand to avoid miscommunication.

Let us know the fundamental patterns of cultural differences:

1. Different Communication styles

The way people communicate varies widely, even within a particular culture. The verbal and non verbal communication style varies across the globe. For example, even in countries that share English language, the meaning of ‘yes’ varies from ‘maybe, I will consider it’ to ‘definitely so’.

Some Americans consider raise in tone to be a sign that a fight has begun, while some Italian Americans often feel that it is a sign of an exciting conversation between friends.

2. Different Attitudes towards Conflict

Some cultures view conflict as a positive thing, while others view it as something to be avoided. 

Here is a video for you to demonstrate managing conflicts across cultures: CLICK HERE

3. Different Approaches to Complete Tasks

There are different ways that people move to complete tasks. Some reasons include different access to resources, different judgements of the rewards associated with task completion. Also, it involves different notions of time, and task oriented work.

4. Decision Making Style

The roles individuals play in decision making varies from culture to culture. When decisions are made by groups of people, majority rule is a common approach in the US. On the other hand, in Japan agreement is the preferred mode. But, be aware that individuals’ expectations in decision making may be influenced by cultural norms.

5. Approach to knowing

Different approaches of knowing different things could affect ways of analyzing a problem and finding ways to resolve it. Some people prefer library research while some others prefer  to explore and learn. 

6. Attitude towards disclosure

In some cultures it is not appropriate to be frank about emotions, about the reason behind a conflict or personal issues. Keep this in mind when you are working with others. 

Why is cultural sensitivity important?

Having cultural sensitivity is important because you need to respect and appreciate the culture of the people you meet or visit. This helps to improve your understanding of your new surroundings and to adapt to the changes faster. However, it is also important not to forget your own culture while you are adopting others.

Some companies have branches or employees across the globe. So, it is important to focus on cultural sensitivity in the workplace to create a sense of unity. This helps colleagues work better together. 

Now, let’s focus on some foremost tips to develop cross-cultural sensitivity:

1. Understanding

One best way to make you aware is by communicating, asking questions, practicing, reading related books, or researching about it on the internet. You need to learn and understand their culture first of all.

2. Differences

When we first interact with a person from a new culture, we tend to find the differences. We overlook the similarities in the group. We evaluate the person with our standards ignoring the cultures they have been brought up in. Try not to judge a book by its cover.

3. Interaction

Communication is the strength to understand people. Keep changing ideas and opinions, share your stories, and listen to theirs. Try to improve your listening skills. The more you interact, the more you will be able to learn about their culture. 

4. Respect

Cultural differences don’t have to divide us from each other. You may find a few things funny or offending while you get to know things. Try to learn and respect different cultures without mocking at them. 

5. Humour

Be extremely careful with humour. Many cultures take business and work seriously and they do not appreciate humour. Avoid telling jokes about your colleague’s country. 

Sarcasm is the main ingredient of British humour. It can be immensely funny if you are used to it. You need to be aware while using it as it has a negative effect abroad. 

6. Preparation

Before you talk to people, learn about their culture. Should you address your colleague by their first name or not? How to greet them? You should not aim for perfect mastery of their etiquette. Also, do not hesitate to ask if you don’t know or apologize if you were wrong while communicating. The fact that you have tried to learn, creates a good impression for them.


Remember that cultural norms may not apply to the behaviour of any particular individual. So, ask yourself how culture shapes our actions, learn and try to see the world by stepping in other’s shoes wherever you go. Accepting the differences and focusing on the similarities is the key to build stronger relationships. 

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Edited By: Neha Kundu

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