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Want to become a writer at Eat My News? Here is an opportunity to join the Board of Young Leaders Program by Eat My News. Click here to know more:
1. Tell us more about yourself and your profession.
My name is Ritika. I am a Cross-fit level 2 coach, a social media influencer, and also a YouTuber. My mission is to inspire as many people as I can to be body positive, make healthy life choices, and make fitness a part of their life journey.My Instagram handle is @coach.ritika. And my YouTube channel is "Life with Coach Ritika".
2. What is your fitness mantra?
My fitness mantra is:
- Have a lot of fun while working out. I do Cross-Fit because I just love it
- Drink lots of water
- Sleep at least 7+ hours every night
- Don't skip meals
3. What are some of the major misconceptions about diets and exercises?
When it comes to diet, people think that they need to starve themselves which is nothing but far from the truth. You don't need to stop eating to be fit. You need to eat good nutritious food to stay fit and healthy.
When it comes to exercises, every single body is different so what works for me might not work for you. And a good trainer knows that. So it is advisable to get trained specially for beginners.
4.How can one maintain a healthy lifestyle?
By staying active, eating well, sleeping well, drinking enough water, and living stress-free.
5. How can one build a successful career in your field?
By leading. Not cheer-leading. I see so many people on social media preaching things they don't themselves follow.
6. What is one piece of advice you would like to give someone who wishes to lose weight and gain weight?
- One piece of advice for someone who wishes to lose weight -
- One piece of advice for someone who wishes to gain weight -
7. How do diets and exercise contribute to overall well being and happiness?
Diet and exercise go hand in hand. One is incomplete without the other. If you just workout, your body will need good nutrition to recover faster so that you can be better.
Interviewed By - Nupur Jha