'I Don't Prefer Virtual Methods of Providing Treatement' - Ahmed Mohammed Qarsh

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1. Tell us about your background and journey.

Hi, I am Ahmed Mohammed Qarsh, a Yemeni doctor.

I studied medicine in Pakistan and graduated in 1898.

Specialist in internal medicine at the Modern Yemeni Hospital in Yemen Sana'a.

2. Despite so much of talent in India, why do people look abroad for treatment?

India, like other third world countries, has a foreign complex, and traveling for treatment abroad is like a place and social pride.
Although the possibilities in India are excellent, most prefer a foreign doctor.

3. How important is super specialization for doctors?

With the doctor's work experience and age, he begins to focus on a particular aspect of his or her specialty and innovates in it.

4.What is your take on virtual methods of providing treatment?

I personally do not prefer it, because the doctor must take in account a suitable medical history for the patient and the doctor must be in the same language of the patient so that he rests and expresses his symptoms in a simple way and must examine the patient clinically and then we resort to tests and treatments possible, for example a Yemeni doctor consults his colleague - an Indian doctor about new ways to treat a certain disease.

5. What do you think are the key differences in studying medical in Indian and other countries?

India is different from the rest of the countries being focused on the practical application of students is therefore a country distinguished in the teaching of medicine.

6. Which countries are the best for studying medical besides India?

India, then Egypt, then Jordan, but the best place to get a medical treatment is obviously India.

7. Which is your favorite book and why?

My favorite book is The Beginning and The End book of many son because I enjoy reading it and earning me the best in life and experiences of previous nations.

8. What impact do you want to create in the medical field?

To improve the patient-doctor relationship we need to strengthen the trust between the doctor and the patient we need this so that the patient does not get bogged down between several doctors.

I aspire to write a book on how to build a good doctor-patient relationship.

9. What is your take on virtual methods of providing treatment?

I personally do not prefer it must take a suitable medical history for the patient and the doctor and must be in the same language of the patient so that he rests and expresses his symptoms in a simple way and must examine the patient clinically and then we resort to tests and treatments possible for example a Yemeni doctor consults his colleague an Indian doctor about new ways to treat a certain disease.

Ahmed Mohammed Qarsh
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/drahmed.karish

Interview By - Sarah Alkbat

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