Take on Gender Inequality in a Professional World

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Even in the 21st century, we are facing a big crisis in terms of gender inequality, also in certain developed countries. Various day to day activities have a great scope of improvement towards gender inequality.

However, the government and business owners of several developed countries tried and continue to try hard in order to rule out issues related to gender inequality and their discrepancies. 

Fights have been fought in order to receive and provide an equal amount of attention and treatment to men and women. In addition to this, private businesses are facing issues related to gender inequality in the current professional world. 

Corporate places have to start adopting both men and women in order to incorporate them in the field of a theoretical framework. In terms of every aspect including the field of education, women have been successful.

Gender In-Equality Among Corporates Across the Globe 

Most importantly, according to a study conducted by the Harvard Division of Continuing Education, if we consider the educational achievements of women in the United States of America, women have already crossed the last calculated overall count of men in the field of educational achievements. 

However, we all know the fact that women are carrying and occupying all possible responsibilities of their homes as well as they have to balance their work and family. This is the time when the problem arises between young adults.

Women are always left with care giving responsibilities contrary to what men usually ignore and do not take accountability for. 

Without any doubt, women have started spending more hours on household activities which creates an impractical gender inequality issue. Spending more time with regards to household activities clearly is a disadvantage for women working in that particular workplace. 

Gender inequality has become one of the most important topics in the professional world. It is highly essential and important for individuals to make themselves aware of every law made to protect gender equality.

In today's article, I will be providing you, my opinions on gender inequality in the current professional world. According to a study conducted by the Harvard Division of Continuing Education, the fertility rate in the United States of America is decreasing.

As per the latest reports the current fertility rate in the United States of America is 1.9. Surprisingly, the fertility rates in most European and East Asian countries are even below 1.3 %. 

In addition to this, developed countries such as Japan and other Far East Asian countries have already started developing a women driven culture in corporate workplaces. Emphasis on the women-driven jobs yet needs to be given in some developing countries in the Asian continent as well as the African continent. 

Treating Men and Women at the Same Level Is a Perfect Example of a Company That Practices Gender Equality

Practicing gender equality can help your business boost up with the long-standing companies’ profile. However, it is highly essential to understand the fact that men and women should always be provided with the same kind of treatment. In certain cases, gender inequality can easily be seen in the following factors:

  1. Whenever a company refuses to pay intended and the required benefits to a particular gender.
  2. A company should always look after equal consideration for needs. 
  3. Strictly, there should not be any discrimination faced in terms of gender.

According to a study conducted by the United Nations Development Program in the year 2017, few Central African republics and countries had the highest ratio for gender inequality of 0.649 in their country with regard to workplace environment.

Opposite to which few European countries such as Norway and Switzerland had the lowest ratio of 0.048 and 0.039 respectively.

It is a highly essential and necessary requirement in order to understand the importance of gender equality at a particular workplace. In order to promote their businesses with an efficient amount of workforce, gender equality should always be taken care of. Any means of unfair barriers should be removed as soon as possible.

  1. Always ensure the fact that you have no barriers that are stopping women to reach any senior position.
  2. Try to keep every workflow and process as transparent as possible to the employees.
  3. Try to ensure to provide a perfect balance of work and relief without considering the biasing along with needed training within your study environment.
  4. Before starting any recruitment process, make sure of the fact that you already have a legal anti-harassment policy prepared, in order to put a legal barricade at any future harassment issues. 

Written by - Nishad Kinhikar


Edited by - Daity Talukdar

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