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1. Tell us more about your experience as an educator.
I have been teaching for almost a decade and a half and the most important requirement as an educator that I came across was the accommodation of students of all backgrounds and their diverse learning styles and inclusiveness of every student in the learning process.
The importance of flexibility in the methods of teaching in synchronizing with the needs of the students according to the changes in the field of study as well as reaching out to every student incorporating in the discipline. My field of study has had several technological advancements and the rapid change and development in the discourse have opened a plethora of opportunities to explore and harnessing every aspect of the teacher that I am, it has been a fun ride all along.
Every institution has made it mandatory to have feedbacks from the students and this really helps as a teacher as well as a student of my discipline where such comments open up a whole new room for improvement. This supplements my growth as an educator and I will have a nurturing relationship with my students.
The current course structure engages students to have a holistic approach towards their discipline - an integrated learning approach and that involves the student's being exposed to other disciplines, be it social sciences etc. This affects the teacher in a manner that s/he should also be aware of what is happening in and around the discipline as well as other sister disciplines.
Another factor that has been influential all along as a teacher is 'Self-Evaluation'. There have been several mechanisms devised by the UGC and other related organizations to evaluate teachers based on certain criteria. But, self-evaluation of work and addressing how our guidance has been utilized by our students provide a better understanding of how good an educator or a teacher a person is.
The discipline is progressing at a very fast pace and as a teacher and a researcher, I have realised the need to be updated on every new development in my field of study.
We are in a knowledge society era and the students are well versed with the new technologies, nascent information and knowledge. Nothing makes me more proud than seeing my students succeed. I have had experiences in basic science (Physics) and at a professional level Library, Science has been my discipline (Information Professional).
The theoretical and professional requirements of the learners can be met and in this current era of learning, the student demands career-related courses and training and I really hope I have been a positive influence on my students.
2. What is your opinion of the Indian education system and how would you like to change that?
I would like the Indian Education System to have a holistic approach. Indian system of education has a huge British influence. The introduction of DPEP and the SSA in the elementary education system for the achievement of universalisation of elementary education was one of the best innovations that I have observed.
In the higher education system, there is a need for a drastic change in the methodology of teaching as well as the syllabi to cope with the current needs of the country. The approach towards education should be future-oriented and it should embark upon quality education and reformation and development of the country. The proposed new Education Policy has tried to bring in such innovations in the country's educational domain.
The Indian education system is going through a state of transition. The pedagogy, methodology and the practices that follow are exhibiting changes. The application of ICT and the web-based teaching and learning system has also changed the traditional way of classroom learning.
The new education policy (draft) also highlighted these changes and proposed new realm of the teaching-learning process. The introduction of MOOCs is an example that points to this direction.
3. What changes in the teaching methodologies have you seen in recent times?
The application of ICT and other web-based learning systems have been the most implemented modern teaching methodologies in my opinion. The new policy of the government also recommends such methodologies and points to advancement in technology with respect to teaching.
The pandemic situation has forced the online modes of teaching and learning as a necessity. Even the UGC- HRDCs have now introduced new courses (orientation, refresher and capacity building programmes) in this mode of access.
If the government facilitates equal access to learning resources and is successful in reaching every student, such methodologies would be a revolution in the field of teaching and a different learning experience for the students. All this is to be implemented by keeping in mind the importance of public education in India and how a large chunk of the student population depends on such institutions.
4. How does education help one do well in their career?
The twenty-first-century Indian education has always been about profession-oriented courses such as medical sciences and engineering to put it broadly. The present-day students are more aware and concerned about their career prospects.
The decisions taken by the students in the type of education they require is taken with a great amount of thought and the guidance that is available in this generation is more rational in nature and is passed on according to the requirements of the individual.
The whole hype about government jobs and the job market signifying the private sector attracts every individual in the country and the type of education that these individuals choose (even from the inter-mediate level) play an important role in shaping their future and career. The demand for a job whether it is in the public or private sector depends on the level of education received by the individuals.
5. Do you think teaching as a profession is viewed at par with corporate jobs?
Indian society has viewed teaching as a profession that is completely viewed in a different sphere when compared to corporate jobs. Teaching is a profession that gains respect as a result of a particular 'given' that has been existing among such professionals for centuries, be it a primary school teacher to a professor.
Corporate jobs are seen as more of the money-making jobs. Teaching is mostly regarded as a service and the attention such a profession receives is completely different from that of a corporate job. Teaching is more about the relations that the profession acquires, unlike corporate jobs.
My opinions are surely biased because I am a teacher myself and Teaching is not viewed at par with corporate jobs. Both are at different realms in the job market.
6. How can we adopt technology to make teaching more effective?
A convergent and integrated system of educational management is a pre-requisite to adopt technology to make teaching more effective. The issue of accessibility has to be addressed to initiate such a system. The current COVID-19 pandemic forces us to adapt to modes of online learning but that has still affected several students because of their accessibility issues.
The adoption of technology to make teaching more effective can be realized through innovative and creative methods of teaching such as using smart classrooms for interactive sessions with the students etc. Platforms like 'Moodle' can be used to share materials, conduct tests, assignments and have meaningful discussions.
Technological advancements in the field of education can't be slowed down or turned a blind eye to, thus the methodologies of teaching have to keep up with the pace of development and the government and other educational institutions should make sure that every individual has the right to education and none shall be discriminated on the basis of their inability to access the internet or have gadgets that facilitate such learning.
7. Why does India need more educators like you?
The National Knowledge Commission has recommended more number of educational institutions in the country both public and private. Such institutes require several teachers who are experts in their fields. The young researchers and students interested in my field require guidance in harnessing their skills, knowledge and is to be pointed towards the right direction.
The nation is depending on its youngsters at this moment for its development and given the current pandemic situation and the international and national, it is the community of teachers that have a great role in shaping the minds of the future.
As a teacher, I hope I could be a part of this nation-building process by being a guide, a mentor and moreover a better teacher to my students. With my experience in my field of study, I hope that I could make a difference in the lives of my students and guide them towards a better future and for a better nation.
Interview by - Benil Joseph