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1. Ward Off Evil With Chillies and Lemons -
Hanging a lemon along with several chillies tied together at the entrance of your workplace or on your vehicle, apparently protects you from evil eyes and spirits. The scientific reason behind this is believed to be that lemon and chillies work as effective anti-bacterial, thus protecting the environment it is hung in. According to a Hindu legend, Alakshmi, the goddess of misfortune, prefers sour and spicy food. So she satisfies her desires with the lemon and chillies without moving inside the house and bringing in a trail of bad luck.
2. Bird Droppings Bring Luck -
It won’t be a lie if I tell you that in India, bird faeces is considered to be lucky. Hindus believe that bird shit brings good luck and money is on its way. It is based on the belief that if somebody suffers an inconvenience, they’ll have a good fortune in return.
3. Curd Luck -
You must have experienced this one. Going for an exam? Have a spoonful of curd with sugar before leaving. Going for a job interview? Have a spoon. It is considered auspicious. The base of this superstition might be related to the cooling effect of curd on one’s digestive system.
4. Specific Days to Get Your Hair and Nails Done -
4. Specific Days to Get Your Hair and Nails Done -
According to Hindus, it is considered inauspicious to cut your fingernails or hairs on Thursdays or Saturdays. This day is dedicated to the God Shani (Saturn) and he shall be displeased if you cut your nails or hair on such days. In a few parts of India, cutting your nails after sunset is also considered a bit of bad luck. Although, there is a reason that after sunset, low lighting might be the reason you get hurt.
5. Kohl and Evil Eyes -
India has numerous superstitions related to the evil eye. But this one wins. To prevent the evil eye, a lot of infants are made to wear a small dot of kohl on their forehead or sometimes under their feet as well. This is supposed to push off the evil eye.
6. Itchy Palms and Wealth -
6. Itchy Palms and Wealth -
Do you need lots of money? All you need to do is close your eyes and wish that your left palm starts to itch real soon! Because according to Indian superstition, an itchy left palm indicates that you’re going to receive money. On contrary to that, if your right palm itches, you’re apparently in trouble.
7. Cleaning and Wealth -
7. Cleaning and Wealth -
The Hindu goddess of wealth Lakshmi is apparently believed to be scared off if you cleaning or even sweep the house after sunset. If noticed carefully, The logic behind this superstition is quite simple. When it might have originated, there wouldn’t have been any source of light at night; so it was a matter of practicality to have finished all the housework in daylight when everything was visible.
8. Twitching of the Eye/Eyebrows -
8. Twitching of the Eye/Eyebrows -
Living in India, you must have heard this. The twitching of eyes is related to your destiny according to Indian superstitions. This superstition is gender-biased. For Women, if your left eye twitches, then get ready for the good news. While for Men, the right eye represents good. On the contrary, if the other eye twitches, you’re in for bad news.
9. Black Cat and Bad Luck -
9. Black Cat and Bad Luck -
A black cat crossing your path is supposed to give you a signal that whatever tasks you’re up to, will get delayed or postponed. Some people wait till some other person walks by so that they are saved, while the passer-by can just bear the supposed curse. Poor black cats.
10. Sneeze and Hard Luck -
10. Sneeze and Hard Luck -
You must have seen somebody scolding their children for sneezing when someone’s leaving for work. It is a very commonly believed superstition that sneezing while stepping out of the house will have a bad effect on your pending tasks. To nullify the effect, people usually wait for a minute or two and then leave for work.
11. Upside Down Slippers -
11. Upside Down Slippers -
In many Indian households, it is strictly believed that leaving your slippers or flip flops turned upside down will bring bad luck in your home. It causes fights within the family. It was probably originated because, with overturned slippers, people might fall. Similar is the superstition of using empty scissors.
12. Fidget Your Legs and You Lose Your Wealth -
12. Fidget Your Legs and You Lose Your Wealth -
It is believed that if somebody shakes their legs while sitting, it might cost them their wealth. Though scientifically it has now been proved that fidgeting one's legs is a mental disorder and might be caused by the hypertensive and hyperactive brain.
Accompanied by these, are the myths about periods in women in India. Do have a look at this myth-buster.
Written by – Ritika Singh
Accompanied by these, are the myths about periods in women in India. Do have a look at this myth-buster.
Written by – Ritika Singh
Edited by - Bushra Makhdoomi