14 Pragmatic Approaches To Handle Stress


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In a world where depression is growing at an unprecedented rate, we are striving to handle stress alone. As sharing has become synonymous with being weak, we seclude ourselves deliberately fearing dependency. We have forgotten to differentiate stress from our daily life. Not only the deadlines and the work but also the unceasing desire for perfection increases our stress. We want the perfect relationship, career, body, degree, college, clothes, the idea of which triggers our stress, and once we are unable to handle it, we collapse. Here are 14 helpful ways to handle stress:

  1. Make a game plan:
    Jotting down the necessities on how to go along, help in figuring out the scale of the crisis. We might be stressing over something that might be fairly simple when put down on a notebook. Thus, creating a game plan always helps as we can discuss the pros and cons, make key points, and also set for ourselves the path of getting through it.

  2. Take deep breaths:
    Taking a second to step away from reality may give your brain more time and space to think things through. The brain uses the majority of the oxygen and by increasing the flow of oxygen in the blood, it helps in calming down. Thus, taking deep breaths is a trick we all must use to calm ourselves in times of stress.

  3. Settle it down:
    In the world of perfection, we always desire to be above our league, and it is proven that unreal expectations are a major cause of stress. We overlook factors like time and our capacity and look at the greener side of the lawn and settle for that mark. Often, while trying to meet these expectations leads to unnecessary stress.

  4. Recognize your signs of stress:
    Everyone has certain symptoms or a pattern of behavior when they're stressed. Irritability, fatigue, and headache are all physical signs of stress. Knowing your symptoms of stress will enable you to formulate ways to cope with it.

  5. Make a budget:
    Money is considered to be the most stressful topic these days. Thus, having a pre-planned budget can be a big source of relief. A well-planned budget will give you a clear idea of how much of your income can you save and how much can you spend. In this way, you'll get better at managing your finances and will also reduce the stress that comes from money.

  6. Eat and drink wisely:
    Physical attributes also affect stress levels. Eating a balanced diet reduces stress as we get the required nutrients, and physiologically, our body does not react rashly. Being dehydrated can also be a reason for stress as it makes us lose our cool, and our brain's chemical balance is altered.

  7. Remember to laugh:
    Laughing cures stress. We forget how to laugh during stressful days, and everything seems annoying. It is said that if a mirror is placed in front of us when we're stressed, our mood can immediately uplift as we suddenly remember to smile. Thus, smiling and laughing help in reducing our stress levels miraculously.

  8. Chat with a friend:
    Although we are meant to believe that sharing makes us weak and dependent, sometimes, sharing is what we need to do to take it all out of our system. Having a friendly chat with someone who understands and listens to us and gives us proper advice is an easy remedy for stress. While stressing out, we do not think rationally, thus, someone needs to be there to point it out.

  9. Listen to the right music:
    Music indirectly affects our mood. Thus, listening to a sad dong while being stressed out only makes it worse. We tend to listen to slow pathetic songs during our moments of stress, as the lyrics seem to explain what we're feeling. However, we must understand that it is the time when we need to listen to upbeat wholesome dance songs so that we can take our minds off the topic.

  10. Get some exercise:
    Cardiovascular exercises release “feel-good” hormones in our brain called endorphins, which can help us feel happier and less stressed.

  11. Get enough sleep:
    Sleep deprivation is the major cause of stress these days. A small 2012 study had shown that sleep-deprived subjects showed a lower tolerance for stress. Thus, getting enough sleep is crucial to have the required motivation and energy to solve the crisis.
    Taking a nap can help you tremendously. A nap reduces the levels of cortisol and helps us function normally.

  12. Take a break from the topic that is stressing us out:
    Taking a break from the topic that is stressing us out helps us. Doing something else like going on a walk, listening to music, or dancing can help to reduce your stress levels. It will also give you an escape from the torturing topic that haunts your brain.

  13. Confrontation:
    We cannot simply go into loops and cry about what is stressing us out. We need to confront the cause of our stress and reduce the feeling of helplessness.

  14. Medical help:
    If the stress levels remain constant, and nothing seems to help out, talking to a doctor may help. Your stress may be caused due to chemical imbalance and this can only be figured out through medical help. 

In the world we live in today, we should promise ourselves a happy life. Stress is our enemy and we should uproot it, and the aforementioned ways may do the magic for you.

Written by - Anwesha Basu

Edited by - Vasudha sabharwal

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