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I come from a small town in Rajasthan, called Ajmer. I have lived there for my entire life. Coming from a joint family I Never really felt the need for friends as a kid. I’ve always been an introvert and enjoyed spending time with myself. Having only brothers, I've grown up with boys and a lot of their habits have rubbed onto me since I'm the youngest of all.
Its a ritual in my family to get sent to boarding school so just like my brothers, I too joined Mayo College Girls School in the 5th Grade. I’ve always been inclined towards art, having my mother as my mentor I remember making paintings with her as a child.
Art is something which comes naturally to me. I have grown a lot since then, and I made it a part of my daily routine to do something creative. It’s a huge part of who I am and I am nothing without it.
2. When did you decide you wanted to be a painter/illustrator?
I never really decided that I wanted to do this. I always sort of knew it in my bones. That this is what I'm meant to do. I remember when I was probably in the 7th or 8th grade I was taking a walk with my mother and she asked me that what is that one thing you do, that takes 0 effort and you never realise that time has just passed while you’ve been at it for hours.
And I told her that for me it was making art. She told me then that this thing which you’re so crazy about that you don’t care about your environment that's your passion and you should make it into a career. I think that's when I knew.
3. Is it a financially stable career?
In my opinion, being a painter and pursuing Fine Art, may or may not turn out to be a financially stable career in the long run because as I’ve always been told you can’t always rely on selling your paintings and having exhibitions. It’s something you can take your chances on.
On the other hand, becoming a designer is a more upcoming field and there is a lot of demand in the market for designers. Plus, there are so many specialisations which have come up in this field ranging from exhibition design to textile design to knitwear design, so on and so forth.
There is a huge difference between art and design and similarly, there is a difference in the financial stability they both bring to one's life.
4. Who is your favourite illustrator and why?
My favourite illustrator is Angel Bedi also known as, The Filmy Owl on Instagram. I have always loved her spirit towards art and seen her be herself on her Instagram page. She stands strong for what she believes in and is a happy go, lucky soul. She doesn’t force her art and is always listening to her heart. Her art is a true reflection of who she is I guess and I Love that about her.
5. Where do you get inspired to create art?
I get inspired by my environment and my feelings to create art. I literally take everything I'm feeling inside of me and turn it into art. I also take inspiration from TV shows and movies and most of all from Music. Music is the thing that inspires me every second of the day. Music and the stories behind every song. Also, Legendary musicians and their lives are what I draw my inspiration from.
6. What does your typical day look like?
I think a typical day for me, back at home, in Ajmer is pretty monotonous. But I Love it even then. I wake up late mostly because I love working at night. I have my lunch and I’m usually spending time with my family after or watching Something online. In the evenings, I like to take a drive with my mother and talk to her and listen to music. It's my favourite part of the day. I get time to think and usually get my best ideas during that drive.
When I get back home there’s this excitement to put everything onto paper. Back in Delhi, most of my day is spent in college. From 9:30 am till about 4:00 pm on most days. My classes are fun most of the time and we are busy creating or brainstorming.
7. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring illustrators?
To the future aspiring artists or illustrators. If there’s anything I’d like to say to you it’s this: Never copy anyone's ideas. Be as original as you can. Never leave this field, you’re truly gifted. Be true to yourself and to who you really are underneath it all. Don't give up.
8. Which is your favourite book and why?
My favourite book is and will always be The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger. The truth is I’ve never actually wanted to grow up or grow old. When I bought this book in the 10th Grade it struck a chord inside of me. Especially because of the meaning of the title.
The title of The Catcher in the Rye is a reference to "Comin' Thro the Rye," a Robert Burns poem and a symbol for the main character's longing to preserve the innocence of childhood. Holden the main character wants to be the catcher in the rye.
He wants to shelter kids from growing up, and more personally, it represents his desire to avoid the harshness of adult life. That’s precisely why I love this book with all my heart.
Interview by - Shamayla