Diversity to Learn New Things and Skills Is Becoming More Common - Swatee Sarwate

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1. Tell us more about your experience as an educator.
What excites me every day to wake up early morning and get ready for college is that my little knowledge could possibly impact some young generations, can influence future and I will get a chance to grow along with them.

Although, I never thought of teaching as my passion but with growing years it has become a passion, which I enjoy every day, lucky I am.

This profession taught me discipline, time management, balancing numerous activities and learning in the same way along with others. Various kind of students have come across me, most of them as good experiences to cherish them in my memory for a life time as a bond of love. I am fortunate to have students like them. Being tough with students is a way to help them comprehend a subject with a learning point of view. A few students in the initial semester misunderstand a teacher but gradually they do understand the right way of learning. I wish to be a motivator an enthusiastic teacher with a disciplined way of teaching. They are the ones who keep me going. Love to all. 

I could go on and on about many things I have learnt and observed in life, while teaching in a class. It can be a book, a movie review, new technology stories, moral stories or even travelling. I think this gives my students an idea that all experiences are necessary to learn from life. Giving back to society compassion and gratitude has become an important part life while teaching.

Nothing makes a teacher overwhelm with joy than seeing their students succeed. I am swollen with pride when I see my student’s progress on LinkedIn or when they call me after many years. These are happiest moment of life of my professional life.

2. What is your opinion of the Indian education system and how would you like to change that?
  • How to comprehend a subject is missing, and more testing is being done on rote learning of a student.
  • Instead of focusing the evaluation on a three-hour exam, the focus of evaluation should be classroom participation by a student, projects, communication and leadership skills and extra-curricular activities.( Although changes are seen here ) 
  • The Employ - ability Index of graduates had fallen down although dozens of IITs and IIMs , NASSCOM , SWAYAM ,MOOC, PMKVY were set up by Indian government to increase employ - ability and skills of students but only few students are utilizing it.More awareness will be needed in the future for same. 
  • Our system is centered only on giving admissions and taking exams for everybody. There is no focus on quality education, skill development and employ - ability. Many Institutes/ schools /colleges focus more on number of students and fees rather than quality of education imparted to a student. Hope with new education policy we will see a shift in this scenario. 
  • There is no system where parent and students together can be guided by a counselor time to time about what is his /her inclination to purse career, or what the liking of a student are. In many cases parents are not aware of their child’s career options and do not explore. 

3. What changes in the teaching methodologies have you seen in the recent times?

With the recent situation, the pandemic has changed the way we teach and how technology is used in teaching. Teachers and instructors in schools and colleges are blending in the new methodologies and cutting-edge technologies. They are experimenting with all types of platform available online to give their best, like online lectures, creating assignments in innovative ways with help from Moodle, google classroom, Edmodo and piazza. 

Teacher’s online video lectures are available to students for revision purpose as well, and are exploring all the possible ways. Students have access to an incredible amount of new opportunities, from learning how to code to learning how to better collaborate across teams for skill development. Many online platform are available for the same.

An important development is the growing awareness that could improve by adapting teaching to student’s individual differences. However, other aspects of adaptation to student’s individual differences is getting far less attention but slowly it’s making progress. 

Diversity to learn new things and skills is becoming more common. New education policy will definitely give a boost to all this. Artificial intelligence and machine learning will change the perspective of teaching.

4. How does education help one to do well in their career? 

A formal education with a degree is very important. Depending on your education you have a greater ability to apply it to a career. Development of analytical skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, self-confidence etc. comes with a proper degree. Some students believe that general education classes should not be required because they are not relevant to their specialized stream. Regardless of your personal career goals , in my opinion no learning goes waste. Many students in my class find that being technical students they don’t need to study English specially ,writing skills but I have observed that when these students go in the industry it becomes very difficult for them to communicate in a team meeting or to write a simple mail.

Learning is a continuous process, so whatever subject you learn, you never know where you will be applying it. The language you have learnt in your school days might help you in your career. A differential equation, coding knowledge you might have not used in your job but it definitely helped you in terms of strengthening your analytical skills.

5. Do you think teaching as a profession is viewed at par with corporate jobs?

Teaching is not viewed as at par with a corporate job, mostly because of the money factor and number of odd hours involved with a corporate job.

Many of my friends outside the teaching circle think that it’s an easy job. Many find it a noble profession while mentioning, but doubt about their belief structure when they act. I believe there needs to be a slight change in the mindset of how teaching as a profession is viewed as. On the other hand I have read many articles and blogs about the millennial generation giving up corporate jobs , to take up teaching as a profession.

6. Why does India need more educators like you? 

Being an educator gives us an opportunity to serve our country and to shape a new future. It’s a foundation of your self-confidence and a mission of lifelong learning process. All children should have the opportunity to receive the best education available to them no matter their social economic status. For this very reason, I have started teaching some unprivileged children as well. Seeing their progress makes my day.

Interview by - Sanjana Jain

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