Frame A Personal Development Plan With These 4 Steps


A personal development plan can help you stay on track while working to achieve goals. It’s a full-proof method to catch ourselves when we are lagging and wandering away from the path of our goal. A personal development plan is an easy way to tackle the obstacles that may fall on our path by making us vigilant and cautious. 

The development plan may revolve around emotional aspects or career. It is made to help us push forward into growing responsible adults who are capable of living healthily. The personal development plan will help us pinpoint the places which need our attention. 

Here is how you can make your personal development plan -

1. Sections

People are multifaceted. We all play different roles depending upon the situations we're in or the people we are interacting with. We are children to our parents, students to our teachers, employees to our employers. Thus, we need to divide the personal development plan into sections, with each section dealing with each facet of life.

Establishing goals for every part of our life and personality can make us an all-rounder. We need to differentiate the plan into sections to understand how we want to improve in each sector of our life. For instance, we want to grow into a more generous person or gain more control of our emotions in life. Alongside this, we may also want to become better at maths or help our parents in our daily chores. Thus, each sector deals with parts where we have a different duty, and all these duties together make us human. Thus, it’s necessary we grow in all ways, and dividing our plans into sectors helps.

2. Set Duration to Short Term Goals

We need to realize what our short term goals are. If we mark a short term goal as a long term goal, it becomes difficult to fulfill. However, if we set a time limit of a month, it can be done which also grows our confidence. For instance, if you want to lose weight before a big wedding and plan on going for walks every night before the wedding, it is a short term goal. Short term goals can evolve into long term ones, once we get accustomed to them and begin enjoying them.

3. Divide the Steps to Achieve Your Long Term Goals

Long term goals include those goals that cannot be completed immediately because of which we need to take small steps each day to complete it. We may want to write a book, and thus, we have to plan and research for the book adequately before we can finally sit down to write it. Similarly, in the personal development plan, we need to work by dividing the goals into day to day activities for the long term project on a daily basis.

4. Be Accountable to Yourself

A system of accountability helps in pushing us forward. Tracking our progress and establishing target dates is a better way to go around than simply promising. Promises stand out to be like New Year resolutions, incomplete and forgotten. If we fail to meet the goal today, we might not punish ourselves, but we have to write it down, thus, it remains in our mind that we missed the deadline last time. Focusing on one or two goals at a time helps us push forward without overwhelming us into believing that we are not working at all. 

We need to remember while making the personal development plan that it is a slow process that demands patience and diligence. We cannot expect immediate results. It is a slow and steady walk towards a better self. It is a scientific method as we can constantly keep a check on us, and thus also grow into a self-sufficient human. 

Written by - Anwesha Basu

Edited by - Vasudha Sabharwal

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