How To Get Rid of Insomnia

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There are two types of people, one who love to sleep and one who cannot sleep at all. Most of the youth these days have become ‘The Knights of Night’. We are pretty much into night life civilisation. Of course, night which holds darkness has its own serenity. But we need to listen to our body too. It yells for a proper sleep in the form of headache, stress, and the most significant of all, dark circles!

Ever questioned yourself why we need sleep? Here is your answer. Our bodies require sufficient amount of sleep in order to rejuvenate, to grow muscle, repair tissue, and synthesise hormones. Healthy sleep is essential for everyone as we all need to learn skills to survive. Lack of sleep will make you psychotic, affects your health, and healthy lifestyle. The central nervous system is always impacted by sleep. The best sleep habits must be consistent. Read on to know about the healthy sleeping habits.

Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, and Other Chemicals

Caffeine and nicotine are chemicals that interfere with sleep. These stimulants can cause ten to twelve hours of sleep deprivation. Similarly smoking and alcohol consumption also disrupts your sleep. It alters night time melatonin production, increases symptoms like snoring and disrupted sleep patterns. 

Maintain a Sleep Schedule

Using smartphones in bed and being exposed to blue light has been associated with sleep disturbances. Avoid bright screens within 1-2 hours of your bedtime. Try to go to bed at the same time and wake up at same time. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature. 

Clear the clutter on your bed before you go to sleep. Change the sheets at least once in a week. Wear smooth and comfortable clothes. Attempt this even on weekends. Try to limit day time naps. Set a bedtime that is early enough to get 7 hours of sleep. Keep your internal clock set for a consistent sleep schedule.

Do not stare at the clock before you sleep. Go to bed if only you are truly tired. Even when you wake up in between your sleep, do not check the time. If you are unable to continue to sleep, try to read a book or listen to music. Never get back to your mobile phone even though it's all what we need sometimes.

Control Light Exposure

Melatonin is a hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Our brain secretes more of it when it’s dark and less of it when it’s light and keeps us active. Expose yourself to sunlight during the morning. Take breaks between your work and go for a walk in light. Let as much natural light into your home or workspace as possible. When it’s time to sleep make sure your room is dark. If you need to wake up in between sleep, see that you turn down lights which helps you to fall back to sleep easily.

Exercise Regularly

Include physical activities in your daily routine. People who exercise regularly will be active during day time and sleep better during nights. Exercise speeds up metabolism and stimulates hormones like cortisol. Do not exercise before you go to bed. Be patient and try to inculcate exercising as a habit.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

A small meal or snack before bed time tends to provide good sleep. Try to avoid large meals as it leads to indigestion. Cut back on sugary foods and carbs. Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening as it results in frequent trips to the bathroom before bed time. 

Relaxed State of Mind

Don’t focus on sleeping, instead focus on relaxing. Do not think negatively or remember bad incidents before you sleep. Try relaxation techniques like breathing exercise or meditation. Jot down what is on your mind before you go to sleep. This helps in resolving worries before you have your good night’s sleep.

Keep a Sleep Diary

Keeping a sleep diary may help you to know what factors are affecting your sleep. Note down things like how long you nap, how many times you wake up after sleeping, the amount of drinks you consume, the medications you take, and your mood before you go to bed.

Know When to Consult a Doctor

If you are struggling with unhealthy sleeping habits over a long time, talk to your doctor. 
It is okay if you are not maintaining your sleep schedule for a valid reason like night shifts at the workplace, incomplete assignments or deadlines. But if you are neglecting your sleep remember that there are ‘n’ number of side effects that would damage your health. Practice the aforementioned sleeping habits and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Written By - Sravanthi Cheerladinne
Edited By - Kashish Chadha

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