How To Jack Up Your Artistic Sense?


Without art, everything in this world is boring, isn’t it? You see your smartphone, reading this article in your room which is bright because of big windows or light. Think about it, who got that idea of inventing or making a smartphone, the bulb or even window? They are those who see the world differently.

They enabled to invent those things because of their artistic sense. The artistic sense is a skill that everyone has. But not everyone knows how to use it for their benefit. Artistic sense gives you the ability to create new things or makes you think differently than others.

What Effects It Does in Daily Life?

As it is clear that, Artistic Sense makes people think differently about certain things than others. It does affect your normal daily life but not so much. Because it is something that connects directly to your personality.

Your Artistic Sense fairly enough has a dependency on your personality. You think or you view the thing/world according to your feelings and beliefs. That’s why it is fair enough to say that it doesn’t affect so much of your daily life.

Can an Artistic Sense Be Enhanced or Changed?

Jacking up your Artistic Sense is something like improving your memory power. You know what your memory holding capacity but you are forcing it to further. It’s not like it can’t be jacked up. It all depends on you, how much you can change yourself in every single area.

You will develop or enhance it only if you broaden your thinking capacity and knowledge. For that, on a serious note, you have to do lots of work on your IQ as well as EQ.  

Don’t forget about one thing that you have to think differently from others.

Get Ready to Jack Up

You will not find more about Artistic Sense on the internet. Maybe because it all depends on the person thinking quality. Keep in mind, you cannot change your way of thinking and your personality, you can only broaden your thinking capacity and can only work in improving personality.

So getting back to the topic, how can you enhance it? Here are a few tips that can help you with improving your thinking capacity and also it can help you with your personality-related problems.  

  • Increase Your Area of Knowledge

You can develop the artistic sense only if you have broad knowledge about that particular thing. Let’s get right into the real situation. Suppose you are in the meeting and everyone is discussing how the can company regain it’s economic power in the market after this COVID-19 over. 

It is the rule of nature that only those survive who are creative. And the same applies for the business. No doubt, you want to give your boss a good suggestion so that he increase your bonus. But if you are not creative or in other words, if you are not artistic then forget about the bonus.

So if you want to give suggestions then you first have to know about what really is going on. Technically speaking, as it is said that Artistic sense depends on your knowledge. So if you want your company to stand up again, you should know the market as well as of the ongoing situation. 

Summing up this point, You should work on knowledge rather than wasting your time in deep thinking. If you know then by default you are more Artistic ( or creative ).

  • Always Try to Think Different

“Common things are common and Uncommon things are uncommon. Let it be a footprint that you are uncommon to be common in common things.”
― Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Isn’t it true? The most popular personalities are those who chose uncommon over common things. This quote is perfect for those who are struggling in this world. It’s because they are not artistic about the world, they just follow common criteria, rules, and ideas. 

That’s why it is important here to think different than others. Thinking differently can have two resulting scenarios- worst and best. In the worst case, you will be disapproved by everyone and in the best case, you will be shining in-crowd.

Get back to the previous situation of the previous point. Here if you don’t think differently than others then that problem can’t be solved anyway. In short, just try to think differently by involving your knowledge as well as experiences.

In Conclusion, Artistic Sense is a skill that presents in everyone but what lies on top of that is how to evolve and use it. And again remember one thing that you cannot change your way of thinking, all you can do is to work on it and enhance the way you think. That is what makes each one of us unique in our own ways.

Written by - Aditya Raj

Edited by - Kashish Chadha

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