1. Tell us about your background and journey.
I am an Australian actress, makeup artist, and filmmaker based in Brooklyn, NY. I grew up in Sydney, Australia.
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be an actress. I remember putting on plays for friends and family members in living rooms and backyards. I loved performing. I was extremely fortunate to have parents who wholeheartedly supported my dreams.
I was pretty adamant that this was what I wanted to do - and nothing has changed my mind.
The most obvious place to move to pursue acting is the United States. In 2009, I decided to move to New York City. Moving to (literally) the other side of the world proved to have many challenges.
I became a makeup artist for film, TV, and photo shoots to support myself. I also do a bit of modeling. Both of these survival jobs have been wonderful for networking.
I work as an actor in a variety of mediums - films, tv series, web series, commercials, industrials, and theatre. I’ve also done TV hosting and dabbled with standup comedy.
When the lockdown happened, I decided to start my production company - Morbid Little Girl Productions.
2. Did you ever think or dream of being an actor?
All the time growing up.
3. How can one approach their career and have the confidence and belief to be an actor?
There are so many ways.
I am an advocate for getting training. Take classes. Get involved in a theatre group. Act in student films. Read books. “The Intent to Live” by Larry Moss is a must-read for anyone wanting to be an actor.
Make your own work.
I think that the last point is a huge one. I think now, more than ever, it is so easy to make your own content. Cameras on smartphones have extraordinary capabilities these days.
Create characters, tell stories. (This all will make you a better actor.)
...and keep persisting at it despite the rejection you will inevitably face.
4. Can you tell our readers more about your career behind and in front of the camera?
I recently started up my production company - Morbid Little Girl Productions in July. A lot of artists/performers were hit hard by the quarantine. I was feeling very frustrated and sad because I wasn’t getting auditions or working. My boyfriend encouraged me to start making my own work.
I have worked on many film/tv sets over the years - so I have subliminally picked up a lot about filmmaking along the way.
I completed my first horror-comedy short “Cut to the Chase” a month ago.
I am in preproduction for my next horror short “The Karening” which will begin filming early September.
I will also be directing a romantic comedy short called “Rainshine” later in the month.
COVID certainly affected work in front of the camera for a while - but that is, fortunately, starting to change. I was lucky to book a commercial very soon after the quarantine restrictions were lifted. I did some voice acting for my horror short “Cut to the Chase”.
I’m performing in my first zoom play “Fight!” by Frank Dunham Jr which is a strange new medium to be performing in.
I’m currently co-producing a film with director Marcelo Mayen “The Lady With the Phantom Anxiety” (I will be playing the lead character in that and helping create the makeup looks.)
I also have written a TV pilot called “A Class Act”. I am hoping to start filming that early 2021. I will be directing and starring in it as well.
5. What are your top makeup tips?
My mother gave me some of the best advice when it comes to makeup - if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t do it!
I still stand by that piece of advice. Poorly applied makeup isn’t cute!
That being said - we have a world of education at our fingertips on a smartphone! There are brilliant tutorials on social media. I often look at them if I am learning a new technique.
I’m really inspired by Doniella Davy’s work on HBO’s Euphoria at the moment. I love how playful all the looks are. Glitter and face gems are lots of fun to play with!
6. How do you define success?
Success is very subjective.
My dream used to be to become a big Hollywood star.
Nowadays, I just want to make my income solely from my art.
7. What is your favorite book and why?
My favorite book would be “The Power of the Actor” by Ivanna Chubbuck. The way she approaches acting completely blew my mind and changed my technique.
Photograph Credits: Marcelo Mayen & Seth Pellum
Instagram ID - @becfordyce

Bec Fordyce Photograph Credits: Marcelo Mayen & Seth Pellum
Instagram ID - @becfordyce

Australian actress, makeup artist, and filmmaker.
IMDb profile - IMDb.me/becfordyce