The Pandemic and The Aged

In the last few months, our daily lifestyle has faced some major changes because of the sudden and unexpected outbreak of a global pandemic. For numerous weeks and months, the healthcare department all over the world has been puzzled in deciding about how to deal with this. Thousands of people are still getting affected each day even when the utmost precautions are being taken by all of us.

The doctors and medical specialists have stated repeatedly that people aged 50 and above are more vulnerable to severe sickness, specifically, the ones who have pre-existing medical conditions for example diabetes, lung problems, heart disease and cancer. The Coronavirus infection might become deadly in the case of elderly people if proper hygiene is not maintained.

Here are some tips and suggestions shared by experts and what to do to keep the elderly generation safer.

Implement Physical Distancing But Not Total Isolation

Social distancing is a major precaution being taken by all of us to combat the virus. However, this can be the sole reason behind loneliness and disturbing panic attacks among the elderly. Not understanding the seriousness of the pandemic and the uncertainty can lead to major panic issues among the elderly. The aged are more prone to suffer from loneliness, anxiety, adjustment disorders, insomnia and many other mental health issues.

While social media platforms and the internet are flooded with articles about the precautions to take in such times and other relatable issues, just a handful of writings can be found offering a glance of the sufferings of old-age people. As most of them are not well versed with using smartphones or other similar electronic gadgets nor are they capable of understanding the language and scientific terms used by the news channels, they end up becoming helpless even when they have access to the internet world in their hand.

Keeping them connected with the family members and explaining them the present scenario in simple words is extremely necessary. Moreover, people with hearing impairment, mental restlessness or common eye disorders and vision problems are more prone to get paranoid throughout this COVID-19 outbreak.

Not being able to meet their loved ones for a large span can lead them to mistrust their caregivers and family members and as a result, they might start avoiding the precautionary measures and get exposed to getting affected. Make them feel special, doesn’t matter even if the initiative is small, but providing sufficient mental and emotional support is essential to make them stay stress-free and fit during the times of lock down.

Keep Them Engaged

Get to know their hobbies and what they loved to do in their leisure time. Make them share their stories with you. Talk about their old days. Ask about their favourite dishes. Organize the furniture and clothes in the house with their suggestion. Keep them occupied and try to avoid offering them time to panic and feel lonely. Go through the old pictures and albums and let them talk about their childhood times and hobbies.

Watch their favourite movie or read their preferred novel together. Opt for regular telephonic counselling sessions or help them to video call with their family members. Take care of their needs and try to fulfill their small wishes and requests.

Take Maximum Precaution

Being a family member, you must take all necessary precautions in order to avoid getting infected. Keep yourself fit and clean and maintain the safety measures properly. Here is a list of measures one must definitely follow:

  • Sanitize your hands from time to time and mainly before preparing food or providing care. And wash your hands with soap and water before and after using the bathroom and touching common surfaces.

  • Maintain proper distance, wear a mask and avoid crowds while visiting public places.

  • Do not touch your face without washing/sanitizing your hands even when you are home.

  • Clean the surfaces and walls which are touched quite often including the walkers and handrails.

  • Consult a doctor immediately if you feel sick and stay away from the aged people until you feel better.

Summing Up

Even in this 21st century, the topic of mental health is overlooked and neglected while many of us are still hopeful and fighting for spreading the right awareness regarding it. Same applies for the old aged people of our society. Irrespective of the fact that most of them need care same as that of a small kid along with their ageing, we can’t even manage to spend time with them properly. But it is high time to make them feel loved and it is a necessity to respect their dignity, opinions and personal space considering the current situation.

Written by - Hiya Takal

Edited By - Arnav Mehra

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