10 Most Bizarre Phobias

Are you afraid of something to the level you can’t even think about it? Then you are experiencing a phobia. Phobia is an anxiety disorder that creates irrational fear in a person towards a situation or a thing. There are really many bizarre phobias among them.

1. Nomophobia

I think everybody these days has this phobia. Fear of not having your phone - Nomophobia. It arises out of anxiety of having your phone misplaced, not having your phone charged, and being out of phone’s service. Over 50% of people who have phones have this nomophobia.

2. Chirophobia

You would never have heard of this phobia before. Because many people do not even know this kind of phobias exists. Fear of Hands - Chirophobia. Most phobias result because the concerned person had a traumatic experience before and this is not an exception. They fear their hands or someone else’s hands.

3. Optophobia

Fear of Hands, How inconvenient it can get! That’s what you think.

Optophobia - Fear of opening one’s eye. This might be the most inconvenient and uncomfortable phobia ever. Many people don’t even have to think about opening their eyes but for these people, it will be a nightmare. This is also a result of a traumatic experience.

4. Geliophobia

Fear of laughter - Geliophobia. There are people who hate the sound of chuckling, giggling, and laughing. Do not confuse it with Gelotophobia. It's not fear of jelly, its fear of being laughed. Some might feel uncomfortable but people who have this phobia will mostly start to hyperventilate.

5. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia

Fear of long words. What an irony! People with this phobia will feel really uncomfortable and might have an anxiety attack when seeing long words. And the name doesn’t even help. It might be brought upon by being laughed at when reading long words or when trying to pronounce them.

6. Turophobia

Who wouldn’t love cheese? Of course, there are people who hate them. But some don’t like them to the extreme level of fearing them. They even hate the sight of them. Melissa North of Kent said that she get so clammy and nervous whenever she has to pass cheese stores in England.

7. Arachibutyrophobia

It is the fear of peanut butter attached to the roof of your mouth. These people can eat peanut butter without any fear but when it starts to stick to the roof they get real uncomfortable and start to panic. It may happen because of their traumatic experience involving things sticking to the roof of the mouth.

8. Ablutophobia

Fear of cleaning or bathing or washing. As a kid, everybody hates bathing and cleaning, but even when you are an adult and you hate cleaning then it is a phobia. It may come from any traumatic experience involving water accidents when you are little. It occurs more in women than men.

9. Syngenesophobia

The pressure from your relatives is more than the pressure from your parents. Many of us hate when our relatives start questioning us in front of our families and many of us get irritated and embarrassed when they do that. But some may feel excessively irritated, embarrassed, and fear their relatives because of this. 

It should be alleviated because having a good family will help increase your life span.

10. Symmetrophobia

A perfect square, circle, and anything with perfect symmetry. There are people who are afraid of those things. Because they think they are not worthy to be around those perfectly beautiful things. It should be cured because nobody is unworthy. People with asymmetrophobia fear asymmetry.

There are many many such phobias out there that people don’t know they are experiencing. It might be dangerous for health. Don’t be afraid of anything and stay safe.

Written by - Jaime A. 

Edited by - Rudransh Khurana

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