Sleep - A Free Recharge Everyday

The human body is also a machine and as we know every machine needs charging. The charge that our body needs are in the form of sleep. Sleep plays a crucial part in a person’s life as an appropriate sleep is a solution for boosting energy, a healthy lifestyle, and many more. The mood of a person largely depends on getting optimum sleep.

While sleeping, our body rests and rejuvenates for the next day and controls the healthy functioning of the body and brain. A person having a proper sleep pattern is less prone to diseases. Sound sleep has a high effect on physical strength and mental health. A good night's sleep makes each day safe and productive. 

People generally neglect the value of sleep and don't follow sleep patterns. Sleep deprivation causes adverse effects on health and mind. It has a high range of negativity on psychological and intellectual health. Adequate sleep has various benefits that regulate proper conditions in our body. Here are some factors that are controlled by sleep which shows how crucial a good sleep cycle is for a healthy body and soul

Influence on Health 

Sleeping for a few hours can greatly influence the health of a person. Sleeping for less than 7-8 hours a day may cause heart diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), getting ample amounts of sleep every day allows the blood pressure to regulate itself, so having adequate sleep at night would ensure a healthy heart along with a healthy body.

In the case of people who work at night, shifts have a higher risk of facing breast and colon cancer. As people get exposed to light at night which decreases the levels of Melatonin that regulate the sleep-wake cycle and suppresses the growth of tumors in our body. The low levels of Melatonin in our body are also responsible for cancer. 

Ineffective sleep can result in adverse effects on blood sugar and reduce insulin sensitivity. People who sleep less than 6 hours are prone to type 2 diabetes. 

Uplifts Memory 

Deep sleep is important for your brain to make memories, making connections between events, feelings, and experiences along with helping to process and remember things as well. It plays an important role to strengthen memories and practice skills you have learned when you are awake and this process is called memory consolidation. It is a way to improve new learnings and improve memory. Quality sleep also enhances concentration, performance, and plays a crucial role in high creativity levels.

Well built Immune System

A small change in the sleep cycle weakens the immune system. A proper 8 hours of sleep can improve the same effectively. Sleep helps the body to repair, replenish, and recover from damages caused by ultraviolet rays, stress, and other traumas. Even losing an hour of sleep at night will affect your system drastically. It fights infection in you and makes your body stronger. Make sure you don’t lose your valuable sleep for unnecessary pleasures. 

Effect on Mental Health

The health condition called depression is highly related to a lack of sleep. Sleep impacts on chemicals like serotonin and people experiencing depression are said to have fewer amounts of serotonin in their bodies. A good night’s sleep of around 7-8 hours would help people suffering from depression. Sleeping disorders are also connected with an increased risk of death by suicide. 

Building Strong Relationships

People with less sleep have a reduced ability to recognize expressions. It reduces the ability to process emotional information. Lack of sleep causes less understanding of a fellow person and leads to the breakdown of relationships. It takes away all the sense of humor, decision-making capability, and empathy making them irritable, snappy, and more emotional than usual. Emotions are not conveyed in the way they should be. A small tip! Have a great sleep and enjoy relationships. 

Balanced body weight

It constitutes an important reason for obesity. People who have improper sleep patterns are weighted more than people who have good sleep cycles. Sleep and metabolism are controlled by the same sectors of the brain and hence inadequate sleep results in low metabolism therefore increase body weight. Hormones like ghrelin and leptin that control appetite are disturbed when you sleepless and people with shorter sleep tend to eat more. If you are trying hard to lose weight then have balanced sleep along with exercise and a balanced diet. 

Athletic Performance

Athletes need more sleep of around 10 hours which helps them to improve stamina. An athlete must give importance to sleep as it improves speed accuracy, reactions, performance intensity, more energy, better mental functioning, and mental well-being. It allows improvement in agility and reflexes. Sleep is as important as consuming nutrients and exercising and definitely gonna help in the long run. 

Turns down Stress

Improper sleep can cause stress. Low levels of sleep lead to problems of high blood pressure and produce stress hormones. A happy sleep allows a person to tackle stress easily and have a stress free life. When you lack sleep you feel less patient which in turn increases stress. This leads to lasting physical and mental problems. A great sleep schedule causes a stress-free life and creates a happy atmosphere all around. 

Sleep plays a significant role in human life but is often taken granted. Taking a quick afternoon nap makes a person more effective and productive. It puts a person in a better mood. A schedule must have a clear time allotted for sleep that improves health. It is vital to get a good quality of sleep. It is the best way to recharge and refresh completely. Sleeping at the right time should be made a habit and that habit would be the best gift you give to yourself. 

Ever wondered how much sleep does a person normally need for good well-being? Check out Sleep Hours Per Age.

Trying really hard but can’t sleep? To know the ways to sleep better, click on Best Ways To Sleep.

To get rid of insomnia, give a look at All about Insomnia.

Written By - Sreeram Mahima

Edited By - Bhanu Jain


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