Your Writing is Your Art - Morgan Richard Olivier (Author & Speaker)

Morgan Richard Olivier

I published my first book called Questions, Christ, and the Quarter-Life Crisis. The book covers the season in life where many people feel lost, empty, and depressed. 

1.Tell us more about your background and journey. 

I am a 28-year-old American author, wife, entrepreneur, and advocate from the state of Louisiana. 

In 2016, I took my love for writing and motivation to social media and became a writer for The Odyssey Online. I built a following in the Self-Love Beauty community where I wrote and shared articles that aimed to encourage my audience through the positive subject matter. 

Though I enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity, in 2018, I launched and began blogging for myself. 

My subject matter, though still encouraging and empowering, became raw and real. I discuss topics varying from mental health and spiritual testimonies to personal growth and the beauty of life’s pains. 

Most recently, I published my first book called Questions, Christ, and the Quarter-Life Crisis. The book covers the season in life where many people feel lost, empty, and depressed. We search the world for answers and find ourselves struggling to find and peace and purpose. 

Diving into my struggles and testimony, I share tools and lessons learned that not only help readers navigate through their toughest season, but also assess, forgive, and grow in every step along the way. 

I truly believe that by normalizing conversions about mental health and spiritual growth, we can create an environment where others are not only comfortable sharing their truth or seek the help they need but also inspires others to begin their journey of personal growth and acceptance. 

My goal is to crush the image and pursuit of perfection by captivating the raw beauty of sincere progress. 

2. When did you decide you wanted to be an Author? 

In 2018, I realized that I was capable of doing more than writing blog articles or offering writing services to my clients. Writing became not only a form of therapy for me, but also proved to be a gift to help others along the same journey. 

In this midst of my own struggles and tough season, I searched for any type of book or writing that could directly relate to what I was experiencing and feeling but never could. 

It slowly became clear to me that the book I was looking for needed to be written by me. It was then I slowly began writing my book Questions, Christ, and the Quarter-Life Crisis. 

3. Is it a financially stable career? 

I think the answer to that question would be “it’s relative.” As a woman with two successful businesses, the money that comes from being an author at this stage in my career does not act as my main stream of income. However, I do believe that it can and will be in the future. 

4. Where does your inspiration lie? 

As strange as it may seem, it is pain that inspires me most. Struggles and setbacks not only taught me the greatest lessons but also provided with me subject matter have no bounds. 

I write from a place of empathy and experience for those who feel alone, confused, or need empowerment just as I once did. I write for the person who seeks healing and growth. 

5. What does your typical day look like? 

My typical day begins at 7:00 am and ends at 7:00pm. I start every day with gratitude and prayer, formulating to-do list, scheduling and creating content for Oak Agencies, and then head to LR&. I am constantly writing throughout the day. Whether it’s quotes, poems, or larger entries, my mind is constantly 

6. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring Authors? 

Write it down: anything, anywhere, and any time. Remember that your writing is your art and it may not always be interpreted as you intend—express yourself anyway. 

Your voice and perspective can change the world, but first, you must find in your vulnerability. Dare to post and publish for the people that need your message. 

Instagram ID - @modernmorgan 

Morgan Richard Olivier

Morgan Richard Olivier 
Author & Speaker

Interviewed By - Sompadma Mukherjee

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