10 Effective Ways That Can Boost the Sales of Your Product Massively


Building your product is difficult, but what is more difficult is finding people to buy your product and believe in it the same way you do. For such an important task you cannot always go with the hit and trial method. You need a proper strategy and plan to reach this goal.

So today we bring you 10 effective ways that can increase your sales massively. Read on to know more about how you can increase your sales.

1.   The power of influence

Influence is your ability to persuade other people to see from your perspective. To make them see your perspective, relate your product to something that people already trust.

This will help increase the credibility of your product and over the time can attract more attention to your product.

2.   Make your purpose clear

You don’t need to show people what your product can do in general. You need to show them what the product can do for them. It can solve a thousand problems of the world and still not be bought by people till the time it doesn’t solve their problem.

3.   Identify your customer

Let’s face it not everyone will buy your product because not everyone needs your product. You need to first be clear in your mind that for whom is the product being manufactured and then devise a strategy for selling to that group of people.

See what appeals to them, what attracts them and what they simply can’t refuse. This method can increase your efficiency by a great extent and it will save your time too as your efforts will be in the right direction.

4.   Testimonials say it all

Whoever said that customer is god is 1000% right. And what’s more important is customer reviews. You can brag about the 100 features your product has and the benefits it can provide but if the customer doesn’t like it, it has no standing in the market.

If your customer gives good reviews, make sure to publicize that. Word of mouth travels like fire. Use that. At the end of the day it’s the reviews of your product will decide its success or downfall.

5.   Give more than you take- Or at least make them believe

Humans are selfish. They always want their benefit before anything else. A harsh but true fact.

So, when you are selling your product, it is very important to make them believe that they’re receiving more for the price they are paying. That the product is adding value, ease and comfort to their life. It is only then they will be interested in your product.

6.   Don’t stop chasing

If you want your customers to keep returning to you, then you need to follow up. Your work doesn’t end after you’ve sold the product. It actually increases when you have sold the product as you want the customer to return.

Follow up can include sending them emails and notifying them about new arrivals and upcoming sales. It can also include suggesting them new products based on their previous purchases.

7.   Cold call- but don’t be cold

It is very much possible that cold calling can yield results. But most of the times it doesn’t. One thing you can do to change this is by adding a bit of personal touch. Even when cold calling, do small talk, ask them about how has their day been going and then introduce yourself and your product.

Try to find a common ground in the conversation and be informal, till the time the person is no longer a stranger but a friend whom you’re persuading to buy something. Although a longer method, it increases the conversion rate to a great extent.

8.   Why are you different?

What is your USP (Unique selling proposition)? What do you offer and the others don’t? Why should the consumer buy from you and not anyone else? These are the questions you need to answer while entering into a market with a new product.

To develop an edge over your competitors, understand your competitors to know what it that the consumers want them and not you are. Once you identify this problem, work out a solution and see the results yourself!

9.   Don’t leave any space unoccupied

If the pandemic has taught us something, it is the importance of online presence. It is very important for your customers that they can buy your product from the comfort of their home.

From Instagram to Facebook and Twitter, your product should be easily found. All its features should be visible to any online consumer. You will be surprised to find out how much your sales can boost up just from your online presence.

10.     Offers, contests and promotions

Try to engage your existing customers and potential leads by conducting contests, lucky draws. Give special discounts to frequent customers and attract new ones by organizing holiday season sales.

You can also partner with some other brands such as the ones which provide cashback, or payment using a certain app will give them some discounts. Monetary benefits, after all tops every other benefit!

Now that you’ve learnt these 10 ways to increase your sales, I suggest get up from your seat and start applying these ideas before the time runs out!


Written by - Mehak Sachdeva



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