Aspire to Be Someone and Inspire Someone to Be You - Titikhya Das


The biggest misconception among the people is they think the influencers work is just to wear fancy clothes and click aesthetic pictures & we do it to get free products & photoshoots and that's the reason that every second person is turning a blogger

Tell us about your background and journey. 

My name is Titikhya Das. It means Patience. I'm a Delhi based social media influencer & Youtuber currently working as a marketing professional.

My journey as an influencer is like a graph of a stock market trade. There was a phase when it wasn't working well & I wanted to quit this field completely and today is the day that I'm overwhelmed to be known as an influencer/blogger. Right now, I'm in a phase of loving what I'm doing. The journey has been good till now, and I have been fortunate to work with some brands like Myntra, Ponds, Amazon India, etc. All thanks to my followers & fellow creators who have supported me throughout this journey.

What led you to start your page on Instagram and what is it about?

I started it off by writing my blogs on right after my high school boards since I had nothing to do till my results & I found out that other people are kind of like what I write so, I started taking it to another level by starting a page on Instagram as @thepanachetitikhya

Initially, it was about my quotes & mobile photography, but when I started exploring the platform & other creators, I realized that I could make better use of it by making it a learning experience for my followers. I never wanted to my followers to just come and like my posts because it looks nice, I always wanted them to learn a new thing with each post.

Now, I try to enlighten them about trendy & sustainable fashion, good lifestyle, travel stories & beauty content. Basically, trying to make it as real as possible.

Recently, I've started my series called #TitikhyaTalks where I along with my audience engage in real talks in the comments. We talk about self-love, dreams, careers, happiness mantra, and much more & touchwood, its going great! It felt so good when I read people engaging in these real talks. I feel satisfied.

How would you distinguish the term blogger from an influencer?

A person who has a blog & writes blog posts on a particular niche is known as a blogger whereas an influencer has an influential personality who can change a person's opinion about certain things.

Basically, a blogger creates a website content whereas an influencer creates a social media platform's digital content.

Since I create content for both website & social platforms, I could say that I'm a blogger & an influencer as well.

Is it financially sustainable to be an influencer today?

Some well-known personalities are earning in big numbers who have expertise in their influential skill over the years. But with the rise in the competition & dynamic trends, I don't really think its as financially sustainable as it was before unless you have great & real content.

It can take time to become financially sustainable but it depends on your content that determines the growth graph.

What do you think influences consumer behavior?

The urge to live a good lifestyle & people around them (includes influencers) plays a huge part in influencing their buying behavior.

What is your idea of success or your mantra in life?

Many people are successful but we don't really know them. We don't really get inspired by them. Life is about inspiring people & making it a better place to live in. And if you could manage to inspire at least one person in your life, I think you have succeeded. So, my idea of success is, Aspire to be someone and inspire someone to be you!

How can someone become a successful social media influencer?

There are no tips and tricks or any short cuts to get famous or become a successful social media influencer.
To become the one, you actually need to put the effort into the kind of content you create because Content Is The King!

People usually don't notice what you're doing unless you do what they cant. So, you need to constantly think out of the box to create Creative Content.

So, Quality content, Consistency, Smart Work & Patience is the only mantra to become a successful social media influencer!

Which is your favorite book and why?

'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne is my all-time favorite book. This book has made me believe in the law of attraction. It describes what you think is what you attract. And there's nothing impossible in life. All you need to do is believe in your dreams, manifest & work hard for it!

What is the biggest misconception in people about this field?

I think the biggest misconception among the people is they think the influencers work is just to wear fancy clothes and click aesthetic pictures & we do it to get free products & photoshoots.

And that's the reason that every second person is turning a blogger because of their desire to get free things. And that's also the reason that there has been a decline in authenticity & a rise in misleading content.

The truth is its not about getting free products & doing photoshoots. It's about the responsibility you have taken to influence your audience with the right recommendations of their interests.

How social media changed your life?

It has positively changed my mindset & lifestyle. I have learned to embrace my imperfections & being confident in my approach. Social media has shaped me to become the better person that I'm today.

Advice for new creators?

If you really want to persuade people to go for the right choices in terms of trends & market or want to use your social presence for good, then this platform is for you. Keep creating good content!

Interviewed by - Manav Malik

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