I was about 7 years old when I started learning music. I learnt for 10 years and graduated in Nazrulgeeti and Classical Music from Chhayanaut. Alongside that, I have been working as a voice artist for as many years. I knew I wanted to be involved in music but I never had a plan for it.
1. Tell us more about your background and journey.
My name is Masha Islam. I am a singer, musician, composer, songwriter and occasionally a dancer. Since childhood, art has been a very important part of my life. My journey with music started at the age of seven when I was enrolled at "Chhayanaut" - a renowned cultural institution in Bangladesh.
Ever since my devotion to music has been undying. I spent 10 years at Chhayanaut where I specialised in Nazrulgeeti and classical music before graduating in 2017. Although classical music has a very special place in my heart, I don't bound myself to any specific genre.
In the beginning, I used to perform at various cultural functions and did a few gigs here and there. However, since starting my YouTube channel, I've been gaining a lot of recognition and more professional opportunities have come knocking.
2. When did you first decide you wanted to pursue music and how did you start?
I was about 7 years old when I started learning music. I learnt for 10 years and graduated in Nazrulgeeti and Classical Music from Chhayanaut. Alongside that, I have been working as a voice artist for as many years. I knew I wanted to be involved in music but I never had a plan for it.
I didn't even think I would build a career in it. It's always been a passion first before a profession. I never actually realised when it became a profession for me as I was only just enjoying myself doing something I love.
3. Who is your favourite artist and why?
I look up to many artists across the world. Anybody who is passionate about music is an inspiration for me. It's difficult to name any single person. Be it Michael Jackson’s mood, Beyonce’s stage presence, Lata Mangeshkar Ji’s simplicity, Ed Sheeran’s ability to be the one-man army on stage, Bruno Mars’ charisma, Jessie J’s range and the ability to be the diva on stage, Shreya Ghoshal’s natural golden voice and AR Rahman's genius mind.
All of these artists have something that inspires me and motivates me to do better. I can go on and on with names of my favourites. They are from all genres, beyond borders, all across the globe.
4. Can you throw some light on opportunities one gets as a singer?
As a singer, you're able to share your creativity with the world and that is what I enjoy the most about this career. There are other things too such as being able to perform alongside someone you've always looked up to. You get to work with interesting people on some very exciting projects.
New content is always being produced and there are several industries you can get involved in such as film, advertising, social media and even education. It's definitely exciting but there's always room for more opportunities in countries such as mine.
5. Is formal training required or can one train themselves purely on the basis of talent?
In my opinion, if one has talent, potential and dedication, it really doesn't matter whether you are trained or not. Learning completely depends on one's willpower. If you really want to learn you can do so without any kind of formal training.
What matters is the devotion you have towards music and keep practising regularly. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect.
6. What piece of advice would you like to give to future and aspiring artists?
As a singer, I believe, perseverance and dedication is the key. Be honest to your craft, to your art. Don't do music for fame or money, do it for the love for music, for the passion you have for it, benefits and opportunities will come along the way.
Believe in your dream and keep working towards it. There will be people along the way who will put you down and tell you that you’re not good enough, never let that get to you. Let your success speak. And most importantly, make your goal to touch people's hearts. That's the biggest achievement anyone can get.
7. Which is your favourite book and why?
“When Breath becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi. I feel like this book is an incredible example of bravery and courage. It teaches you about life and gives you the courage to confront difficulties that come with it.
You get to see how one person can profoundly influence the lives of others after they are gone, by their words. The writer teaches you that it is not about whether to live or die, but what kind of life is worth living. You get to see what it is like to be transparent, how powerful it is to put your heart out there.
I recommend this book to everyone, you really start valuing life more when you read it.

Masha Islam
Singer | Artist
YouTube Channel - Masha Islam
Interviewed by - Shruti Kaval