Deforestation and Its Crushing Effects On Our Planet

Yesterday our forefathers lived and left; today we are living and tomorrow our children will come and settle on this earth. We, humans are like guests here. For our existence, what do we need the most? Is it money, wealth, or power? Probably not. 

What we need is Oxygen, a gas in which we solely depend for our survival.We are fully aware of the fact that the oxygen is produced by the green trees. It's because of the trees we are able to breathe clean air thus produced. Despite knowing the fact, have you ever managed to dig the ground, plant sapling and take a good care of it? 

Importance of Trees 

The tree doesn't only provide oxygen but absorbs carbon di-oxide, purifies air, controls soil erosion, enriches the natural wealth, sustains micro life habitats, nourishes the soil and so on. It provides natural habitat for wide array of animals, multi insects are attracted towards its flowers and fruits while birds find shelter in it. 

Many wild animals depend on trees for their nourishments. Throughout the human existence, trees played an immense role such as timber for building construction, furniture manufacture, and many household tools . Wood is used for cooking even now. Fruits bearing trees provide tonnes of fruits every year. 

Humans Created Problems That Surpass Modern Solutions 

But dejectedly, we survive in such a timeframe where there are not enough trees to curb down the rising air pollution on Earth right now because we are destroying 15 billion trees every year. Climate is changing rapidly as the earth gets warming up. 

Everyone is welcoming the development, setting up of large factories, killing lakhs of trees, clearing hectares of forests, we are misusing the power of caretakers by destroying it. 

But Alas! we failed to realize we can't exist without it. The only option left behind is, if we want to have good future and hand over to the next generations a safer Earth is to plant trees. 

What's Next? 

It's not too late to act than to do nothing, so brace up yourself for the noble work of planting the trees and taking care of it. It's the need of our time. If the tree is cleaning the air I breathe, it can do that for our future generations too. Let's plant trees and hand over greener earth to the next generation. Irony is that, Earth doesn't need us instead we need her. 

Elimination or Survival, the choice is yours!

Written by - Mickel Lepcha

Edited by - Keerthana Lakshmi

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