Effective Ways to Preserve the Environment: Measuring the Urgency


The environment is defined as the set of physical, chemical, and biological factors that affect living organisms or society. The environment is made up of everything that is naturally present. It enters the atmosphere and its composition and in the water and vegetation. The environment can be defined as everything that surrounds life on the planet, it includes the soil, air, and everything. 

The environment is something vulnerable to danger and this is due to many conditions. Therefore this article will discuss ways to preserve the environment in a very effective manner. 

Environmental Challenges - a Wake-up Call 

In the system of life on planet Earth, the word environment takes a large part in human perception, not as an abstract word, but rather with the connotations and meanings it contains. Thus, in all this, the environment has a great impact on humans. 

Besides, perhaps the most prominent environmental challenges are the result of human practices. Human influence has a long history, without neglecting the effect of nature itself on the environment. Therefore, this article will seek to clarify the most important environmental challenges to finally conclude methods of preserving the environment. 

Environmental Pollution - a Bigger Picture

In brief, environmental pollution is defined as the addition of any substance in any of its three states, or even any form of energy, heat, and sound, down to radiation and emissions. Environmental pollution includes air and water pollution, land pollution, light and noise pollution, plastic pollution. 

It is worth noting that the largest contributor to environmental pollution is humans due to the practices and activities that contribute greatly to every form of environmental pollution. And perhaps this is what needs a serious pause in researching ways to apply methods of preserving the environment.

Global Warming - a Matter of Great Concern

It is known as the global warming phenomenon. The history of this phenomenon extends to the limits of two centuries. It is defined as an increase in the average temperature, especially the temperature of the air near the surface of the earth than its natural levels. 

Perhaps the most prominent reasons that can be mentioned is the increase in carbon emissions in the atmosphere. According to climate scientists, it was found that human activity has the greatest impact on global warming since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The Earth witnessed increases in temperature rates after The Industrial Revolution, especially the one that was observed in the second half of the twentieth century. 

This phenomenon is considered a serious environmental challenge and it has difficult repercussions on the planet. Thus, to limit its effects, knowledge of ways to preserve the environment is an urgent necessity.

Preserving the Environment - Need of the Hour

There are many international global institutions concerned with preserving the environment. Perhaps the most prominent and active one is what is known as the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The program was established in Sweden in 1972 and its headquarters is in Kenya. 

The activities of the United Nations Environment Program cover a wide range of issues related to the atmosphere, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, environmental management, and the green economy. For societies, there are many civil society institutions involved in this as well. But what is important here is a sense of personal responsibility at the individual level because the environment affects all people. 

So, knowing ways to preserve the environment is matters for everyone. I believe that protecting the environment is a security imperative in the first place. 

Read more about the ways to fight climate change so that we all can do our bit in saving the planet. 

Ways of Preserving the Environment

Mere knowledge does not necessarily mean anything. As previously mentioned, it requires an individual personal sense of responsibility.  Hence, many methods can be used to preserve the environment. 

Here some methods especially those that individuals can practice:

Rationalization of Water Consumption


Water covers 75% of the surface of the earth and it is a major nerve for life. While there is this great proportion on earth, it is worth noting that most of it is salty water. Therefore it is possible to say that freshwater resources are scarce on the earth. If people realize this, then it becomes imperative for them to be guided in their water consumption, and to keep the water clean. On the level of polluted water, the United Nations reports indicate that about 80% of diseases in developing countries are caused by water pollution. 

Diversifying Dietary Patterns

It can be said that eating foods that are based on vegetables and crops, in general, contributes to increasing green space. Thus, it adds an environmental benefit represented by consuming less fuel in transporting and caring for crops, and increasing the percentage of plants' absorption of carbon dioxide and replacing it with oxygen. The proportion of meat - of all kinds - from the table means protecting vast agricultural areas from overgrazing. 

Sustainable Agriculture 

Far from the orientations of countries, everyone in the global community bears a responsibility towards the environment. Therefore, the contribution to planting trees helps to clear the weather. And as for advice in this regard, it is better to plant perennial trees because mere cultivation is nothing but a delay in solving the problem. When it dies, carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere and the cultivation of old trees give shade to homes, which means a lower cooling bill, along with many benefits. 

The Use of Renewable Energy


The shift to the use of renewable energy is welcome due to its positive impact on the environment. It reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, thus providing a safe environment from harmful carbon emissions, and significant economic savings. 

In addition, the use of energy-saving lamps mainly gives stronger light. Besides, it saves energy. So, if everyone uses these lamps in their homes and companies. Consequently, the use of electrical energy becomes less, which means burning fewer fossil fuels and thus fewer carbon emissions. 

Besides, The acquisition of electric or hybrid cars - powered by electricity and fuel - and the use of public transport has many positive dimensions. For example, saving on energy bills on a personal level, reducing traffic congestion, and lower emissions in the end. 

Moreover, Buying recycled and recyclable materials because those materials that are neither recyclable nor degradable will be a burden on humans and the environment together. 

The Bottom Line 

To sum up, preserving the environment takes an individual, personal sense of responsibility. Besides, all states, international global institutions, and individuals must work together in order to obtain a clean and safe environment for everyone. Besides, a sustainable planet is much needed for the proliferation of humanity. So, it is our duty to look after the environment to look after our existence. 

Read more about Simple Ways to Help the Environment

Written By - Mr. Hassan

Edited By - Neha Kundu



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