Keep Learning, Keep Adding To Your Skills, Keep Practising - Liam Kumawat

Liam Kumawat

I love nature and it’s the nature, coming out of my heart and driving me to paint. Taking this out of my heart gives me immense pleasure and peace. You can see that almost all my artworks are somewhere connected to mother nature. 

1. Tell us more about your background and journey.

My start was through a small birthday gift of sketch pen set from one of my childhood friend on my 4th birthday. This was followed by a small painting contest in my housing society, where my crude painting got me a prize among the kids’ category. These small gestures make a significant difference in a child.

I moved to Ahmedabad and could get connect with my school art teacher Mr Kishor Singh Rathor, who inspired me to demonstrate my creativity. I developed a penchant for watercolours with Millind Mullick Sir’s books. 

I’ve taken workshops from some of the eminent watercolour artists – Mr Millind Mullick, Mr Prafull Sawant, and Mr Bipin Dave.

Now, I have one solo exhibition, a few joint exhibitions, some global nominations in my kitty. Recently, my painting was selected for the International Watercolour Society (IWS), Poland Exhibition. 

I shall also be part of one exhibition in London in coming December. I am now connected with many global artists and getting their support in refining my skills.

2. When did you decide you wanted to be a painter/illustrator?

My parents have always encouraged me to find my inherent talent in me. Once, they found this as my passion, they helped me in getting proper coaching around this. 

Teachers at my school always encouraged me to improve myself through various means of motivations. Interaction with Mr Mullick and Mr Sawant helped me in refining my thoughts. It was perhaps by end of 5th standard, that I decided to make this as my career.

3. Is it a financially stable career?

I realize the challenges an artist may face in today’s dynamic and rapidly changing art world, but also realize the potential that an artist has is like none other. I am not sure about financial stability in this career. 

However, painting gives me inner peace and I may need to do a lot to make it financially stable. 

I am currently working on building a brand and then will make further strategy to make my career sustainable. The way, I am getting a response from senior artists and my followers, my confidence is continually improving.

4. Who is your favourite illustrator and why?

I love the works from many artists like Milind Mullick, Young-Sung Kim, Thierry Duval etc. 

One of the best among these is Hieu Nguyen, whose watercolour paintings are a combination of anime & watercolours with a brave concept. His work is generally a fusion of semi-realistic portraiture with deep-hued watercolour and gold leaf.

5. From where do you get inspired to create art?

I love nature and it’s the nature, coming out of my heart and driving me to paint. Taking this out of my heart gives me immense pleasure and peace. You can see that almost all my artworks are somewhere connected to mother nature. 

I am working and developing my own style in Watercolours. Fishes, lotuses and lakes are my favourite objects for painting. Betta Fishes are my most loved and appreciated paintings on social media.

6. What does your typical day look like?

I start my day at around 7:00 with a light breakfast and then attend my school classes till 2 PM. I dedicate at least one hour daily to my painting and one hour to fitness after my school. 

I also spend some time learning new things to add to my art skills. TV consumes about 1 hour every day. I believe in going to bed early and my days go off at 10 PM every night.

7. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring illustrators?

Sincere advice is to keep learning, keep adding to your skills, keep practising. Even losing one day of practising may give you a feeling of lacking something. Don’t worry about money in the beginning. It will come rolling one day.

8. Which is your favourite book and why?

I am not much fond of books. I like books, which add to my art. 

This has made me fall in love with Mr Millind Mullick’s books, which give me a deep sense of purpose of my mental peace in form of diving deep in refreshing and improving my art skills.

His books are really a good reference for starting artists. His books talk in a simple language and move you stepwise to be an expert.

I have also learnt to use time wisely and find the best opportunities from Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The book gives you basic financial literacy and helps you in making your future approach to meet your passion. 

Liam Kumawat (Artist, Painter, Illustrator) 

Interviewed By Soniya Kauthanakar

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