Steps To Master Programming Knowledge


Many of you might be thinking as to how you can master your programming knowledge? You might also be thinking that how can you become a great a great programmer, just from scratch. We are going to discuss the same for you to become a great programmer and re-write your career paths.
Programming is something which has been a great topic for discussion since the 70s, and now it has become something which is not resistible by common people. It all started with the legend himself i.e. Dennis Ritchie. He was the person behind all this chaos which made possible for you to read this article.
Let's discuss how you can become a master of programming.
Master the basics 
You might be thinking as why I am giving emphasis on basics. Probably you have learnt all the basics, what now? The main reason why people quit programming is because of lack of basic strength in their programming knowledge like the correct and alternative use of operators and variable identifiers.
When you go onto a path to become a master programmer, you have to learn the best, short, easy and the most efficient ways as to how you can implement a task in that specific program that you have been working on. This difference arrives in assignment operators and variable identifiers and variable assignments.
So the best tip will be to practice the basics by referencing your knowledge through the official documentation of the programming language that you have been working on. You can find nearly everything in those documentations, which is a +++ point for you.
There are more websites from where you can practice in a competitive way. So stick onto this article to know more.
Choose the path  
After you have mastered the basics, a question arises in peoples' mind as to what should they do now? They think they are programmers now. The big answer is a big NO. You are not a programmer, you are a learning programmer. 
So you must choose a path for yourself. The path which best suites you. You can also choose every path, but one-by-one. If you are into selecting all the paths in just one try, there is a 97.99% chance that you might leave programming and just be on the beach with a vanilla cocktail.
You can take my example, after clearing all the basics in C#(C sharp), I just went straight into every path that was offered, like Machine learning, data science, data interpretation, Meta language development, Application development and everything. 
I was so broke. I left programming for 6 months and then my dad told me to choose one thing at a time(he don't know anything about programming). I followed it and after every 6 months, I got mastery over every domain one by one in 3 years
My domains are now Machine learning, Data science, Game development and many more and see I am a self taught programmer.
Learn more advanced topics  
After choosing the path, don't just rush into those topics as these are very advanced concepts and need you to have at least 70% concepts cleared. So get into more advanced topics like Object oriented programming, polymorphism and many more.
The fact about these topics is that, the concepts are the same for every programming language but the practical implementation of these topics is slightly different in every programming language. Well, you are familiar with this because of the boiler-plate structure of every programming language is different.
These topics help you to interact with the system and the program itself in the best possible and efficient way. Now if you have done this, you are now ready to move towards those domains mentioned above.
Learn more about Data Structures and Algorithms  
Attention!! This is the most important part and it will be the ruby of your career if you paid utmost attention to it. 
Data structures and algorithms are those important aspects of programming like the air that you breathe. Data structures are memory allocations of data that are used to store information which will later be altered or edited. Algorithms are the best and the most efficient way to accomplish a task.
Let's put up an example:
You are given a task to search your roll no. xxyygg in a list of 23437788 students and their specific roll numbers. Well, you can search that my reading. But it will be near frustrating for you to do this thing. So how should you do that? 
Now the need for Data structures and algorithms becomes important. You assign your roll number and every other present roll no. in a data structure and implement a algorithm that quickly finds your roll no. within fraction of seconds.
Most people fail to master data structure and algorithms even if these are the most simple and career making components of programming. The fact about Data structures and algorithms is that they are all same for every programming language.
It is just a theoretical concept that you have to understand and implement into your programs. Every company on this planet, like Google, Microsoft, Amazon etc. want their programmers to be the best at Data structures and algorithms because these are the essence of everything that you program.
Even the mouse scroll or slide onto your screen is interpreted in your device through data structures and algorithms. Just think what wonders you will be able to do if you mastered Data structures and algorithms.
Have some reference
When I was in my initial days of programming and even when I was learning the advanced concepts, data structures and algorithms, I used to make my own notes on everything new that I learned that day about programming and either save into my computer or just print those notes and bind them together for future reference.
Whenever I forgot a concept, I would just grab that particular notebook and read it once thoroughly after finding that particular concept. This helped me remember programming concepts just like muscle memory.
Making your own reference notes is the best practice, but you can also buy some reference books that are specifically made for programmers to make them remember concepts when they face problems.
Every programmer in this world, let him be even Dennis Ritchie who was the creator of C programming language and co-developer of UNIX operating system. Everyone has been stuck sometimes in basics, it is natural. Don't get demotivated after experiencing problems. Just find ways to solve the problems.
As I have told you before that I will be listing some of the best competitive websites that you can use to master your programming skills much more efficiently and competitively.
These are the websites:
The steps that I mentioned above are what most programmers forget and then quit programming. After following these steps, you will be able to think in more ways that you never did. Programming will become a part of you. You will be at the path to do much more which no one will be able to do. 
Everyone in this world including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg did follow these compulsory steps and made what they wanted to make. You can also become one of them, just the attentiveness is needed and right deed is needed. Rest you do will blossom eventually.
Written By - Shakti Swaroop Arha

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