Sustainable Living - A Step towards Saving the Planet


We hear everyone around us talking about sustainability and its importance but how is it actually helpful? Let’s understand it from the basics. 

What is Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce the usage of natural resources. People who follow sustainable living often try to reduce carbon footprint by amending methods of diet, transportation, and energy consumption. It is also called earth harmony living or net-zero living. 

Why Sustainable Living?

Sustainable Living should be practiced because it is the best way to give back to earth. It reduces the wasteful spending of money on bad habits which saves money. It reduces landfills and changes the carbon footprint. It provides the best way to promote energy efficiency. Practitioners of sustainable living lead a healthier life. It improves the quality of life. A sustainable lifestyle is the best gift humans can give to future generations. 

Steps to a Sustainable Lifestyle

Following a sustainable lifestyle is not a big deal, making a few changes will help mankind in future generations. Small adjustments in food like changing from non-vegetarian to a vegan, growing plants, reducing use of electricity and water and all other modifications will make sustainable living easier. 

Conscious Use of Resources

Resources like water and air are more important. Switching to renewable energy is the best way as it is beneficial both economically and environmentally. Using energy as efficiently as possible is helpful to mother nature. Using energy-efficient LED bulbs, not leaving electrical appliances on standby, using rainwater for gardening, installing a water-saver shed. Solar panels and biomass are also the best forms to conserve energy and also lessen electricity bills. All of these will reduce the carbon footprint.  

Support Local

Instead of going for online shopping or international brands supporting local brands makes a huge difference. Buying locally will not only increase the economy but also a way to support small businesses. It also means putting our money in our own community which develops our area. The support that is offered to small businesses is helping to reduce the carbon footprint when compared to larger companies. Locally made or grown products are environmentally friendly as well as sustainable. 

Repurpose and Reuse

Reuse and Repurpose of things we consume in our day to day lives is important. A traditional concept that shields the future generation. Reusing clothes and extending their lifespan will decrease clothes wastage. Donating unwanted items to organizations or selling items by giving them a second life can reduce the amount of stuff that goes into landfills. Think twice before throwing anything, try repairing a product until it cant be utilized in any way. Lessening food wastage is important because it costs months for a farmer to produce a plate worth of food.  

A Green Home

Green Home is a type of home that is specially designed for environmentally sustainable living. They focus on the efficient use of renewable resources like sunlight, air, and others. It is built to protect the environment, make use of recycled products, produce less waste, and has many other features. It helps in the reduction of GreenHouse Gases, operating cost, improves indoor quantity, reduces water, and uses fewer materials. A green home prevents external noises and people living here tend to be relatively happier.

Plastic-Free Life

Plastic is extremely hazardous. Every year thousands of animals and marine mammals are dead due to an increase in the quantity of plastic waste. Cutting down plastic is one of the best habits a person can practice to save the earth. Using reusable bags while shopping, stop single-use water bottles, bags, and straws and avoid products made from or packaged in plastic whenever possible by selecting unwrapped products at the stores and reducing online shopping.

Organic Farming

Organic farming is the purest form of producing food without chemicals and pesticides. Food from organic farming is safe for both humans and the environment. Additionally, regenerative agriculture, a method of organic farming that restores carbon and health to the soil is an incredibly exciting movement that could both draw down carbon from the atmosphere while improving productivity.

Eco-friendly Travel

Yes, you guessed it right. It is the process of reducing air pollution and fuel consumption. Small choices like choosing public transportation instead of individual transportation. Choosing trains overflights for small distances as airplanes cause more pollution. Riding a bicycle for short distances which is eco friendly as well as a healthy practice.

Electric cars are a great choice as they do not burn any fuel. They use less oil than traditional cars or run solely on electricity, which means they don't release any harmful chemicals into the air you breathe. These little changes in driving habits dramatically reduce carbon footprint. 

Sustainable living practitioners are immensely helpful for humans. They shield our earth with their lifestyle for future generations which is most necessary at these times. It is a bit tough to change habits but at a slow pace trying to inculcate a few habits will definitely help mankind.

Never take nature and earth for granted as it is the power that is ruling mankind. Remember! We should give back everything we took from mother nature. Hoping you follow some of the steps mentioned above and aid in saving our future generations. 

Here are a few ideas for sustainable living, Ideas

Are you trying hard to have a healthy lifestyle? Check out Healthy Lifestyle a Perfect Lifestyle.

Written By - Sreeram Mahima

Edited By - Bhanu Jain

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