Trump Had Turned 'Blind Eye' to Pandemic and Has Currently Tested Positive for Coronavirus

As the President, Donald Trump turns blind eye to pandemic, Republicans
start to contradict him.

President Donald Trump has failed to take care of the health of the nation
during COVID 19 pandemic and his refusal to promote clear public-health
guidelines. This, in turn, has left many senior Republicans despairing that he will ever play a constructive role in addressing the crisis.

Trump’s Distraction Politics

Donald Trump mocked his campaign rival as the nation marked its memorial
day in the month of May. The national death toll form corona virus has
reached a wretched milestone. Trump and his family have been in an
attempted focus on space travel.

In a matter of days, a hundred thousand Americans will be dead from the
corona virus Pandemic and President Trump is mass-proliferating diversions.

About a couple of months ago, during the early days of the Great Shutdown,
the Republicans had complained that Democrats' impeachment of Trump had distracted the President from taking more aggressive action in order to
counter the spread of the corona virus.

Trump's Senate trail pointed out, which began in January, just as COVID 19
was making its way out of China and the President was receiving his first
briefings about it. 

“I think it diverted the attention of the government because everything everyday was all about impeachment”, the Senate leader told the radio host in late March.

Trump, when asked about McConnell's comments at the time, first denied
that he was distracted before allowing that the Senate trial “probably” did
divert him. 

After all, he deadpanned, “I certainly devoted a little time to thinking about it”. However, the public did not buy the impeachment defense.

Polls have shown that a majority of Americans hold Trump himself
accountable for America's halting, uncertain reaction to the pandemic.

Trump’s Strategy: Distract, Divert, Repeat

Trump was definitely facing a potentially very bad news cycle, with special
counsel Muller preparing to testify before Congress and a past friend, Jeffrey
Epstein, charged with sexually molesting underage girls.

So, he went on a rant about four minority female members of congress,
calling on them at rallies and in tweets to “go back” to their countries of
origin. It was a typical Trump move: distract, divert, repeat.

When a presidential problem surfaces, Trump finds away to move the actual
problem out of the public eye, this relieving pressure on him to solve the
actual problem.

But two and a half years into his presidency, Trump is finding that the
problems abroad and home are mounting, and getting harder to obscure.
And along with it, with the presidential campaign heating up, the President is
getting daily criticism from dozens of people who want his job.

Internationally, the president, Donald Trump, is facing the economic and
diplomatic complications of the Brexit process in the U.K. as the country
attempts to leave the European Union.

Also, the nation is in a trade battle with China, which took a huge dramatic
move of cancelling all agricultural purchases from the U.S. which is a hit to
American farmers.

Also, Trump faces all kinds of setbacks in the court, ranging from a lawsuit in order to prevent California from demanding tax returns from all Presidential primary candidates to a lawsuit by the House Judiciary Committee, which is seeking grand jury testimony that was redacted in Mueller's report.

Trump's own intelligence officials have been warning that Russia is continuing efforts to interface with the U.S. elections. Hence, many high level officials have resigned from Trump’s administration and currently, more than a dozen officials leading federal agencies are there only in an “acting” capacity.

Recently, the messaging was Directed at Trump, in varying forms and
rhetoric but with the same conclusion, displayed in a single word on the
cover of Time: “Enough”.

Trump Tested Positive for Corona Virus

The president's result came after he spent months playing down the severity
of the COVID 19 pandemic outbreak that has killed more than 207,000
citizens in the United States and hours after insisting that “the end of the
pandemic is in sight”.

Trump had revealed on Friday that he and the first lady, Melania Trump had
tested positive for the corona virus. 

In turn, throwing away the nation’s leadership into uncertainty and hence, escalating the crisis posed by a pandemic that has already killed thousands of Americans and also devastated the economy.

Trump, who has played down the seriousness of the virus for many months and
hours earlier on Thursday night, told the audience that the end of the
pandemic is in sight and that, he will be quarantined in the White House for
an unspecified period of time.

Thus, forcing him to at least temporarily withdraw from the campaign trail
only 32 days before the election on November 3rd.

The president, Donald Trump, has expressed confidence in public repeatedly
about his own health, mentioning that he was not concerned about being
exposed despite his various close calls. 

“I’m on a stage that’s very far away, and, so, I'm not at all concerned,” he said last month, brushing off the worries about crowded rallies.

With the Corona virus being much deadlier disease than the flu, a vast
majority of people infected by it recover, if there is no underlying condition, but the threats increase with age. It could take weeks for him to recover, if Trump becomes symptomatic.

It is said under the 25th Amendment that, a medically incapacitated president
has the option of temporarily transferring power to the Vice President and
can reclaim his authority whenever he deems himself fit for the duty.

Written by – Sandhya R

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