Ways to Fight Climate Change


When it rains normally, you feel so relieved and you would enjoy the weather or when the heat is according to your comfort you feel warm and happy, or when it is cold outside you would enjoy the coldness with a cup of chai. Have you seen how drastically the climatic conditions are being changed? 

We are witnessing floods, scorching heat, and chilling weather. How did this happen after all these years? You obviously know the answer that it is we who are responsible for these changes. We have started using resources like anything else. As we created we definitely have solutions to set back things. You need to be aware of the horrible consequences and fight for climate change. Here are a few things you can do to give back to the climate (nature). 

1. Reduce Food Wastage

When you buy or consume something, do it in a smart way i.e. Smart Shopping. Try to make a list of things you want to buy and stick to it. Store your fruits, vegetables, groceries properly. Know what to put in a refrigerator and at room temperature. 

Start preserving and keep your refrigerator clutter-free. If there are any left over’s save them instead of throwing away. You can either cook from leftovers or donate them. Try to look at your serving bowls or plates, see that you are serving enough amounts. Keep checking the ingredients and expiry dates. If you can start composting at your home, it would be a great thing. 

2. Reduce Meat Consumption

We understand that meat has its own nutritional values; we should also look at their existence in number. If we keep consuming large amounts of meat, we would lose biological diversity. You can opt for plant-based meat and consume a lot of plant-based food. Plant-based food can save the environment. You can contribute to the environment by cutting carbon footprint, saving animal habitats, water conservation, and clean air. Start eating for a climate stable planet. 

3. Usage of LED Lighting:

LED lights have the capability of saving 90% of energy when compared to incandescent lights. Carbon dioxide emitted by LEDs is also less and reduces greenhouse emissions too. The lifetime of LED’s is more. However, the cost is more. Buying something that lasts for a longer time will not disturb your budget plans. 

4. The Three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle):

We know you are so familiar with these terms. It is being difficult for us to implement these in our daily life. Take time to reduce the usage of things and resources. One common way to reduce is to reuse. Start reducing the usage of plastic bags and carry reusable bags. Recycle the things you used whenever possible. You can burn the garbage instead of dumping such that you can create energy. Give a thought about how your actions would impact the environment. Try to reuse the glass, aluminum, lead batteries, etc. 

5. Shop Local and Grow Your Own:

When you shop local you will reduce miles to travel and also help local vendors. Local producers or sellers will never disappoint you in providing natural, organic, and fresh food. It helps to protect local habitat and will give access to a better workforce in your locality. Non-profits will not only receive your support but also you will get quality products. 

If you could dedicate your time to grow your own food it would be really great. You will not only be free from pesticide-based food but also help the environment through it. Your soil will be nourished and this is a sustainable practice. The perfect example would be this pandemic; in times like these, your own mini farm would help you a lot. 

6. Carpool your Way

You know how polluted the air now is. When we use vehicles frequently even for small distances we are letting carbon dioxide and other toxins into the environment. Try using bicycles for short distances or you can walk. This not only helps the environment but also your body to be fit.

It is high time and we should start creating awareness in your society. Keep talking and spread good messages with your friends. Take the initiative of being the change and fight for a stable climate.

Look into this article to know about carbon footprints from our website.

Written By - Sravanthi Cheerladinne

Edited By - Kashish Chadha

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