Why Is Egypt the Most Important Country in Africa and the Middle East?


Egypt is a country that is notorious for its geographic distribution. About 95% of Egypt’s population utilizes only about 6% of the total land area but nearly 100% of its aquatic resources as a result of the predominantly barren ecosystem. The lifeline of some100 million human beings, the river Nile is the focal point of urban planning, an incredible 6,695 km gift of sustenance for Egypt and three other countries, making it the longest, and arguably most vital, river in the world.

The Nile enters Egypt a few kilometers north of a Sudanese town called Wadi Halfa through a narrow canyon that traverses sandstone and granite cliffs.

Geographic Location

Egypt occupies a strategic location on the African continent. It extends from the Mediterranean Sea in the north to Sudan in the south, and from the Red Sea in the east to Libyan Arab Jamahiriya in the west. Even though the total surface area is about one million square kilometers, less than 5% of the land is inhabited.

Egypt is one of the countries sharing a border with Israel, and the peace treaty between the 2 countries has played a big role in the former's stability; given the strong relations between Egyptians and Palestinians, and given the existence of ISIS in North Sinai, Israel needs to have a government that would keep the borders safe from the Egyptian side.

Geography of Egypt

Military Power

The Egyptian army is the strongest Arab army according to the Global Fire Power, and it plays an important role in countering terrorism in the region engaging in Libya, which shares the western borders, Yemen in the gulf area, and most importantly in North Sinai in Egypt itself. In addition to that, Egypt has always been ruled by former army generals, except for Mohamed Morsi who is the first democratically elected president in the history of Egypt, and who was ousted after just one year of taking over.

Concerning manpower, Egypt has more than 36 million fit-for-service personnel. Active personnel in the army amount to 440,000, while reserving personnel amount to 480,000, according to Global Fire Power's 2020 military strength ranking.

According to the Power Index of the specialized military ranking website, Egypt holds a rating of 0.1872, Global Firepower reported, as 0.0000 is considered "perfect". Egypt followed the US, Russia, China, India, Japan, South Korea, France, and the UK in terms of the army's strength.

Egypt’s military is the 9th strongest in the world


Ancient Egypt is one of the first world civilizations rooting thousands of years ago, it had witnessed times where it used to be one of the major powers of the world. Archaeologists would still find more and more about Egyptian history. How many countries would have a branch of science named upon it? check Egyptology. Such a long history has helped in forming a civilized culture for Egypt.

The great leaders led the people to build pyramids as tombs for their pharaohs. All families had to help with the pyramids. They could work as laborers or bring food for the workers. Hieroglyphics, ancient Egyptian picture writing, helped project leaders keep track of workers and supplies.

Building pyramids was hard because there were no cutting tools or machines. The work was important, though. The people believed that pharaohs were related to the gods. Pharaohs were not only important in government, but they were also religious figures. Only wealthy, important Egyptians were buried in pyramids. All people prepared for the afterlife, though. They preserved or mummified, their dead relatives. They filled tombs with objects for the dead to use in the afterlife.

Ancient Egyptian civilization

Egypt has a friendly relationship with most countries in Africa and the Middle East. It is called the big sister to most countries. From president Mohamed Naguib till Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been played a main and great role in making the region safely and leads the countries to grow up perfectly.

Written By - Hossam Elsakran

Edited By - Khushi Prajapati 

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