Book Review Twilight - A Supernatural Tale with a Subtle Love Story


Book title - Twilight

Author - Stephanie Meyer

Genre - Young adult, supernatural fiction, highschool romance.

Rating - 4/ 5

Released - 2005

Formats Available - Paperback, Hardcover, ebook (PDF, EPUB, Mobi)

The book Twilight is the 1st book in the Twilight Saga series written by Stephanie Meyer. The book is a supernatural fiction based on the teenage romance between a 17-year-old human girl, Bella Swan, and a vampire named Edward Cullen. Basically, by nature they both have a relationship of hunter and prey, Edward being a hunter (vampire) is attracted to Bella's excruciatingly sweet-smelling blood, while she is drawn to his looks and due to her curiosity around him. 

The story starts with Bella moving in with her Father in a small town called Forks, where Edward and his vegetarian vampire family live. They only consume animal blood for their sustenance. Edward has the ability to hear people's thoughts but he can't hear Bella's thoughts. This and her delicious smell which makes him almost kill Bella throws him off guard and he feels drawn towards her.

Bella, a shy, introverted girl, also gets fascinated by him. After a fatal accident in which Bella is saved by Edward from being crushed by a skidding truck unnaturally, which made her suspicious. When she went down to La Push beach with her friends, she met Jacob Black, the son of her father's good friend whom she befriended easily. He told her the legends around the Cullens and their type. Soon enough Bella was able to understand that Edward was a vampire.

They were too much in love with each other to resist each other for their good. Edward took her to a special baseball game they played among their families when another dangerous vampire coven came there and laid sight on Bella. One of them, James, decided to kill her. In the end, Bella is fatally injured but Edward saves her. 

The story is simple yet extraordinary. Meyer has used the fantasy world of vampires to show that love is the biggest power. No reason or circumstance is bigger when it comes to love. It's beyond all temptation, challenges, and situations. It's a book of young adult fiction, something that the teens would fantasize about having. I was well impressed with Edward's character. The way he idolized Carlisle, his creators, like a father and his conviction to follow his footprints and his protective attitude towards his family, won my heart. Today's generation really lacks this aspect. He is so selfless, so loving, and very always worried about Bella's safety.

On the other hand, I found Bella's character a bit weak. Stephanie could have done a better job at writing Bella's character. It doesn't go down well with today's feministic norms. She's quite a damsel in distress, very fragile, and too dependent on Edward for nearly everything. But again, I think it was needed to make sense as to why Edward had a deep protective feeling for her since his existence struck Bella's. The best thing about the book is the innocence in the story and clarity in the minds of the characters about each other. it's more about love than lust.

The attraction is just a tiny part of their love, and not the basis of it. That's another thing that needs to be learned. They are like these star-crossed lovers, who battle their own instincts and successfully win over them to be with each other.

The angle of struggle tugs at hearts. The story has another underlying theme that we must not always believe what we see, as appearances are deceptive. The author has tried to stray away from the Vampires from their evil image to something lovable and cherishable, silently telling that evil and goodness is a matter of choice. All the Cullens, especially Alice seemed to be very sweet and witty and managed to leave a mark on the readers. Jacob's character is yet to be discovered along with others. Charlie's character as a good father who knows the term 'privacy' appears remarkable too. 

The plot moves chronologically and those yearning for some adventure and that heroic entry for Edward also get Their wishes fulfilled. It makes you believe in the idea of love and forever once again. The writing is rhythmic and engaging. For one thing, it's fiction, and other, it's supernatural fiction, so there can be a few loopholes for logical minds. But they get covered with the serene and happy feeling this book leaves you with. The book is really bliss for those desperate romantic teens as well as adults. It has something for everyone. You'd really forget other vampire fiction once you read this.

Written By - Saakshi Priyadarshini

Edited By - Sravanthi Cheerladinne

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