Building trust and transparency through all the channels is one of the most important aspects of any budding business. In terms of building a successful career in the fitness segment, it is very important to show the right picture to your clientele. Making false promises of unachievable results is not going to work in the long run.
1. Tell us more about yourself and your profession.
I am an independent Delhi based Fitness Entrepreneur, Influencer, Model and Mrs India Earth 2017 winner, My only goal to start this company was to motivate women to be a superior and a fitter variant of themselves through my startup Diksha Chhabra Fitness Consultation which gives modified Health arrangements worldwide.
So far, a huge number of individuals over the globe have benefitted by my Customized fitness Plans in the span of 2 years. The company independently started with ground Zero investment and today around 70% of my Clients lists are from abroad.
I am a certified & trusted consultant who has transformed people from across the world, enrolling in her wellness programs with approx 400 per cent growth year-on-year. I connect with people on a personal level and enables them to bring about a lifestyle change.
2. What is your fitness mantra?
I am a certified & trusted consultant who has transformed people from across the world, enrolling in her wellness programs with approx 400 per cent growth year-on-year. I connect with people on a personal level and enables them to bring about a lifestyle change.
2. What is your fitness mantra?
My fitness mantra is all about sustainability and flexibility to follow something in every situation. I have been following this Mantra all through my journey and make sure that my clients follow the same and understand their bodies and work towards the betterment in this ever-changing environment.
3. What are some of the major misconceptions about diets and exercises?
The biggest misconception about diet and exercise is that you have to eat a boiled and bland diet and exercise for hours in the gym.
The best diet is something that can be done with local and available resources, keeping nutrition as the priority and something that can be followed in every situation. Balance is the key to long term and best results.
4. How can one maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Eating locally produced, freshly cooked and nutrition-rich food and regular physical activity of your choice is the only way to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
5. How can one build a successful career in your field?
Building trust and transparency through all the channels is one of the most important aspects of any budding business.
In terms of building a successful career in the fitness segment, it is very important to show the right picture to your clientele. Making false promises of unachievable results is not going to work in the long run.
6. What is one piece of advice you would like to give someone who wishes to lose weight?
Stay true to your goals. We all have the same 24 hrs to work on. We all have a busy life. Make achievable targets, construct a plan of action and then work towards the same.
7. How do diets and exercise contribute to overall well being and happiness?
6. What is one piece of advice you would like to give someone who wishes to lose weight?
Stay true to your goals. We all have the same 24 hrs to work on. We all have a busy life. Make achievable targets, construct a plan of action and then work towards the same.
7. How do diets and exercise contribute to overall well being and happiness?
We are made to do Physical work, unfortunately, lifestyle changes have reduced our physical efforts to a great extent. Hence when you Exercise and eat to Nourish your body, Your body responds to the efforts in a constructive manner. We release happy hormones, our metabolism improves, we get better sleep. That's the key to overall wellness and happiness.
- Diksha Chhabra (Founder - Diksha Chhabra Fitness Consultations, Mrs India Earth 2017, Mrs Body Fit, Fitness Influencer, Fitness Entrepreneur)
Interviewed By Tuhina Rana