Hardwork or Smart Work? What is More Important?


In this modernized era, not only working like a donkey day and night and working hard beyond the parameters count, what is taken under consideration is how much smartness you got in your work. today’s world is growing at a very fast pace and so it is prioritized how smartly you handle everything. People work hard with enthusiasm but don't have a pinch of smartness, while few people are all about tactics, ideas, and creativity. So what are you, a hard worker or a smart one? 

Basic Difference

Hard work is the effort that is done both physically and mentally to complete a task. Hard work plays a very important role in everyone's life. If we need to get success in life, we need to do something extra rather than following the same routine. But if we see smart work is putting less effort and getting more productive results at the same time, rather than putting more effort and time into the same task.

Hard Work and Smart Work Should Be Dealt Spontaneously

The best way to get successful is to focus on both hard work and smart work. This will always work with a proper routine. Smart work is needed when we have to achieve the target and we are short of time. You can only do hard work when you have a lot of time to complete the task. But when you have limited time and need to save time, smart work is the best way to achieve the target. We need to do both hard work and smart work together to achieve our goal in a limited time.

Smart Working V/S Hard Working

Smart work makes your job easy and saves efforts and time to complete the task. By making proper rules and following those and rules and regulations, we can complete the task and achieve our target with the best results because smart work increases productivity and saves time.

In this modern technology, machines make our work easier and reduce the time. Thus, we can say that smart work helps a person complete tasks efficiently within time. So, we should do smart work instead of hard work.

Hard work requires a lot of things like manual exertion, focus, motivation, feedback, and commitment, etc. you have to do extra physical work with focus to complete your task, and to complete tasks with focus, we need proper motivation and commitment to follow our rules and regulations.

Basics of Working Smartly

Smart work includes planning, scheduling, time management, use of technology, and many things to reduce the efforts and save time for more productivity. One should make a proper plan of the work that needs to be done at a particular time. After thinking of a plan, try to do that activity according to the time available. Planning and following the same will help you to manage your time. We can use modern technologies to reduce the time as well as physical efforts required to complete the work.

Let us take an example if two persons need to fill a tank from water present in the well. The first person fills the tank using a pump and the second person pulls water with the help of a rope from the well and then fills the tank. The first person completes the task faster than the second person and also reduces his work. From this example, we can see that smart work is more productive and easier to achieve his / her goal than hard work to give more effort and time to achieve the same goal.

There are many examples where we get more success and achieve our goal by using smart work to do your task. So, everyone should adopt smart work in their daily lives more than hard work, but the importance of hard work shouldn’t be neglected by anyone.

Two Different Approaches Towards a Single Task

There are two ways of completing a single work. They can get work done with hard work or smart work but someone cannot separate smart work and hard work so he/she can not only use one type of work all the time. Smart work increases productivity help is to complete the work with more comfort, reduces effort, etc. But smart work cannot be done all the time because there is a situation when you face a situation where we are unable to use the technology. In this situation, hard work plays an important role in completing the task. 


So, we can conclude that it depends on the task given to you at a particular interval of time. If you want to be successful you have to adopt hard work and smart work depends on the nature of the work given to you, make rules and regulations for your task to be completed more productively. Working hard could pay you well, but when you choose to be smart towards your goals, you achieve not only success but appreciation and respect as well.

The most successful men work smart, not hard

Written By - Praveen Sharma

Edited By - Khushi Prajapati

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