Prateek Gupta - Read A Lot And Then Writing Just Becomes Pouring Out Your Thoughts (Author)

Prateek Gupta

I started realizing that there is a lot that today's world doesn't know. Actually, there is nothing we know about anything. The more you read the more you don't know.

1. Tell us more about your background and journey.

I am an avid reader and love exploring history, spirituality, and the relation between them. I started as a Software engineer and worked on various international projects in different multinationals for over 8 years. 

Along with another co-founder, right now I am running my own book-tech company,, which is a social reading, experience sharing and self-publishing platform for books. 

The first book which I released in May this year, "Future of Time: Future That Was Written In The Past", is an Amazon #1 bestseller. I am currently writing my second book 'Questioning The Obvious'.

2. When did you decide you wanted to be a writer?

After reading over 1000 books in the fifteen years, I started realizing that there is a lot that today's world doesn't know. Actually, there is nothing we know about anything. The more you read the more you don't know.

3. Is it a financially stable career?

Well, for most authors making a living only through writing is definitely not a stable career right now. But I am trying to introduce means and ways for not just myself, but the whole author community to create more financial stability for writing books, as a career option.

4. Who is your favourite writer and why?

The term 'favourite' keeps on changing as you keep on reading and exploring. But one such person whose works are influential in my life is Swami Vivekananda. His works about scientific aspects of mind and universe take you to a different level of understanding of things.

5. Where does your inspiration lie?

My inspiration lies in the very basic fact that as a species we humans don't even know 0.1 % of the universe but we behave as if we are 'The Creator'. This attitude is definitely going to bring humanity down. To change this attitude and show life from a different perspective is what my writings are all about.

6. What does your typical day look like?

As I am building the next-generation platform for books which is focussed on bringing better discoverability for the content inside books; most of my time goes into planning and coding for the platform. This is usually the first and the last activity of the day. Second is reading different books, as much as I can to challenge my current perspectives.

7. What piece of advice would you like to give to future aspiring writers?

Read a lot and then writing just becomes pouring out your thoughts.

8. Which is your favourite book and why?

'Raj Yoga' by Swami Vivekananda - Where modern science's billion-dollar research about human beings ends, this book starts from there.

- Prateek Gupta (Author)

Interviewed By Pratibha Sahani

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