Understanding Love: What is Self Love?

Can you define what love is? You could define it as an emotion. A deep feeling for someone or something. An affection towards someone or dedication. A feel-good factor can also be used to define love.

Love can be defined in many ways. Every individual, you and me, define love differently. For me, love is a warm and safe feeling. It is not bound by a boundary. It is free and has its own will.

A feeling in which, at the end of the day no matter what you are going through, the person you love will always be by your side. When you are in love, it gives the power to understand the person and not judge them. 

Even if their past is wreckage, not judging them by that and giving them a chance to better and see a bright future together. Love is many things but you have to be ready to feel it and give it.

Science defines love as high levels of dopamine and norepinephrine released during attraction. According to psychology, love comprises three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

Shakespeare says that love is the union of true minds and love that changes with circumstances isn’t love but merely lust or sensuality. All these definitions are right in some way or the other.

When it comes to love, no one is right or wrong. Everyone is right in their own context and they might be wrong in someone else’s. What others think about your love should not be your concern. You should love anyone and everyone with compassion and unconditionally.

It's you who knows the person you love and not the others. So being confident about your love is what will make it stronger.

We all witnessing love in one place or the other. Love at home, school, nature, and everywhere else. We all know loving isn’t easy. When you love someone, it comes with responsibilities, and handling it gracefully and continuing to love the person is very special.

Some people think that true love is found between husband and wife or parents and their children. But I would disagree with that thought. True love is a strong and happy relationship between two individuals. It could be between a mother and her daughter or a father and his son. 

It could even be seen between siblings and best friends.

A person being married for 40 years may not find love with his/her spouse but could find true love with his/her sibling or friend. And it's not wrong. It is just how we define and see the love that terms it as right or wrong.

Loving others is one thing and loving oneself is completely different. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t truly love anyone. Each of us gets a chance to find true love and that is within ourselves. Self-love is something everyone should find.

There are various myths about self-love that forbids many of you not to practice it in your life. 

Some of those myths are:

1. Self-love equals selfishness: People who think this are insecure themselves. It is nothing about selfishness. Keeping yourself first is not wrong. At one point in all our lives, we go through the pain and no one is there for you. 

Loving yourself just makes you independent enough to get back on your feet on your own and independently.

2. Self-love means material love or vanity: If you go for a spa or do a manicure and pedicure or buy things you like is self-care and not self-love. Self-love has nothing to do with materialistic pleasure, it's all about your mind and soul.

3. Self-loving means you can’t love others: Only if you love yourself, you will be able to love others without boundaries and insecurities. It helps you love more and not less.

4. Self-love is for the weak: To be honest, only the strong ones can love themselves. It is because they know the value of love and are willing to make themselves better for their loved ones. So, no! it is not for the weak ones.

5. Self-love is self-centered: Loving oneself and being preoccupied with oneself and one’s affairs are two opposites. You don’t need to be preoccupied with your affairs to love yourself. As a matter of fact, it is mutually exclusive.

I have heard people say that I love myself. I do everything I love. Go meet friends and have fun is something I do to love myself. It shows how that person is in denial. Loving yourself isn’t going to make a bed of roses or make your life easy and perfect. It is going to give you the power to face it strongly on your own.

Even though self-love and self-acceptance are not the same but they are mutually inclusive. You need to accept who you are and what you are. Insecurities and weaknesses need to be accepted and embraced. You need to accept the truths about you so that you can love yourself no matter what your flaws are.

You are the only one who knows the best about yourself. And you are the only one who can love yourself in spite of your flaws unconditionally. Don’t wait for someone else to do that for you because they can’t do it.

Last but not the least, no matter what life offers you, love it and live it. Hating is easy. Loving might not be easy but it is peaceful for your soul. Be peaceful. And not every easy thing needs to be good. Think about it and make a choice.

Be loving and be happy!

Written by - Farheen Firoz

Edited by - Rudransh Khurana

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