The biggest misconception is that dieting can help you lose weight. Dieting as in skipping food is the biggest mistake ever you can commit in your fitness regime. Also, weight gain or loss is less about exercise and more about calorie intake. Exercise helps the body keep fit and toned, but your calorie intake actually decides whether you will lose or gain weight.
1. Tell us about your background and journey.
My background has been quite conservative and it has been a tough journey. After my son was born, I suffered with PTSD. I was overweight, chubby and Didn't have work. I was confused, depressed and didn't know what would happen about my life!
Luckily, with the support of my husband, I found fitness as my breakthrough, and I began my regimes initially from home and then at the gym, and since then I haven't looked back.
2. What is your fitness mantra?
My fitness mantra is quite simple:" Nothing can beat hard work and sincerity".
Be sincere in your fitness regime and once u begin to see the results, stick to it. Do not quit in between just because you feel you have achieved the target... Instead, make it a lifestyle.
Be sincere in your fitness regime and once u begin to see the results, stick to it. Do not quit in between just because you feel you have achieved the target... Instead, make it a lifestyle.
3. What are some of major misconceptions about diets and exercise?
The biggest misconception is that dieting can help you lose weight... Dieting as in skipping food is the biggest mistake ever you can commit in your fitness regime.
Also, weight gain or loss is less about exercise and more about calorie intake.Exercise helps the body keep fit and toned, but your calorie intake actually decides whether you will lose or gain weight.
4. How can one maintain a healthy lifestyle?
Healthy lifestyle is dependent on mainly three things:
- Discipline
- Portion Control
- Educating Oneself about Food and Nutrition.
5. What piece of advice would you like to give to someone who wishes to lose weight?
I would suggest that in order to lose weight, first of all:
- Set realistic goals. Do not expect to lose 10kg in a month
- Be kind to your body. Do not overstrain just to lose weight
- Eat right
- Consult a Fitness and Nutrition Coach for better results.
6. Which is your favorite book and why?
I love reading in my pastime. And one of the books that has influenced me is Strength Training Anatomy by Frédérick Delavier. He focuses so intently on each muscle while training and weightlifting, it helped me immensly break the stereotype that women cannot have muscles.
I believe every woman or man focused on weight training should read that book.
Certified Fitness Coach
Instagram id - @official_vaishnavi_boora
Website - Vaishnavi Boora
Facebook id - Vaishnavi Boora
Interviewed by - Ananie Borgia