Aisha Mahdi - To Find Positivity In the Most Negative Situation Is the Real Success Mantra (Blogger)

I have always been into fashion since I was 16 and fashion is all I could dream of at that age. In college, I used to style my friends and that inspired me to start a blog as I used to follow some as well and they inspired me even more.


1. Tell us about background and journey.  

I am Aisha Mahdi, I live in Kolkata and I am from United Arab Emirates and I am a fashion, beauty & Luxury blogger. Fashion is my love and I have a passion for travel & beauty and trying new things all the time as well. I graduated from Delhi University in Commerce and wanted to work in education but became a blogger instead. 

2. What led you to start your page on Instagram and what is it about? 

I have always been into fashion since I was 16 and fashion is all I could dream of at that age. In college, I used to style my friends and that inspired me to start a blog as I used to follow some as well and they inspired me even more. That is how my blog and Instagram page @styleetvogue came into being. 

3. How would you distinguish the term blogger from an influencer? 

Blogger and Influencer though two different terms are not too different either. This is essentially because bloggers write their authentic reviews about their experience and create a valuable and different content especially for the people who love to read. On the other hand influencers post everything about their lives mostly on social media and people get inspired and follow in their footsteps. I like to write and share my experiences on my blog and I am also present on social media. 

4. Is it financially sustainable to be an influencer today? 

Absolutely! I work as a full-time content creator/blogger and I never worry about a job, because I am earning while doing the thing I love most. 

5. What do you think influences consumer behaviour? 

I will be honest! It basically depends on how the blogger or an influencer connects with her or his FAM and if the right information via content creativity is delivered. If that happens, then consumers will definitely follow. If I talk about me specifically and if I review a product, I always use it first and then share my honest reviews about it, because I care about the people who believe in me and I guess every blogger does. 

6. What is your idea of success or your mantra in life? 

The mantra is very simple; to find positivity in the most negative situation as well. We are dealing with a pandemic currently and sooner or later our scientists and doctors will find a solution. The positive here is people are getting closer to their families now and everyone has come together to fight this, including me. Stay positive and stay healthy. All will be good.

7. How can someone become a successful social media influencer? 

First of all I prefer the term content creator on social media or instagramner and to be successful the only thing you need is creativity and spontaneity. 

8. Which is your favourite book and why?

I do not read books much, but I have always been a fashion lover and I read every article possible related to fashion, beauty and styling. It helps me be more creative in what I do and helps me realize different ways in which I can connect with the audience I share my experience with and also to become more positive and stay healthy and happy.

- Aisha Mahdi

Interviewed By - SHUBHAM SONONE

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