Anum - Negativity and Stress Around Inspired Me to Create My Blogging Account (Blogger)

I was always passionate about my career which made me take up freelance projects and online jobs on a random basis while giving time to my kids as well. Due to the current Covid 19 situation, there was a lot of negativity and stress around which inspired me to channel my energy towards blogging and the social media world of Instagram.

Tell us about your background and journey.

I am a business graduate (MBA) by academics. I am married and a blessed mother of two boys. I landed in UAE 7 years ago with my husband and my firstborn who was 6 months old back then. I was working back home in Pakistan but I left my job when I had my firstborn and then I moved to Dubai. 

I was always passionate about my career which made me take up freelance projects and online jobs on a random basis while giving time to my kids as well. Due to the current Covid 19 situation, there was a lot of negativity and stress around which inspired me to channel my energy towards blogging and the social media world of Instagram. 

I have always enjoyed being social and connecting with people. I just love to pen down my thoughts and observations which we all see in our daily lives.

What led you to start your page on Instagram?

My love for connecting to the world through my words made me start a page on Facebook first. Then a friend of mine and a few of my FB followers influenced me to join Instagram and that’s how I got to know about the whole Instagram world.

Is it financially sustainable to be a blogger today?

Well, I don’t think so unless you are a Macro influencer who is collaborating with top-notch brands. The journey as a blogger is quite long and hard but with the time you can reach a point where you can sustain financially. Blogging cannot be compared to a day job where you clock in your hours and get paid at the end of the month. 

Especially due to current COVID situation, small and medium businesses and even some well-known brands are more interested in barter collaborations than the paid ones.

Which is your favourite cuisine and dish?

Being a Pakistani, Pakistani and Mughlai cuisine is my favourite and no love can be stronger than my love for Biryani. haha.

Which restaurants/food joints would you recommend to food lovers?

I think it would be unfair to name one because there are so many. But if you are a real food lover then you should never be hesitant trying new food places. You can check my honest reviews on my Instagram page. 

In my eyes, every food joint has its own taste and a signature dish. To be honest, there are no good or bad food characteristics. You like what suits your taste buds and that’s it.

Who is your favourite fashion blogger and why?

Fashion for me is about carrying something which suits your personality, enhances your overall beauty and makes you feel comfortable. I am an avid follower of Vardah (@mom_in_dubai). I think she has a great sense of styling and I love watching her transition videos.

How long does it take to get a perfect Instagram shot?

Ahh! I would say it’s the most challenging part. When I started my Instagram the foremost tricky thing I felt was getting the right click. I hardly found a perfect blog photo from my old camera roll as most of them were selfies lol. 

I have taken more than 100 perfect clicks for my posts and I would say it took me uncountable efforts to get the perfect one. But I guess each perfect click sharpens your visual captivity and makes you a better photographer than before.

Which is your favourite book and why?

My last read was “Forty Rules of Love" by Arthur Elif Shafak. It goes straight to your heart. This book teaches you about the power of kindness and how it can transform a person into a beautiful soul.

Interviewed by - Saba Parveen

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