Kuljot Singh Batra - Passion Alone Won’t Take You Anywhere (Artist)

Passion alone won’t take you anywhere. You need to have a plan as well. Pursue music only if you believe that you are better than many and as good as any cause it’s not gonna be an easy ride initially

Tell us something about your background and journey.

I am an MBA with a business background. I quit my job to pursue music full time in January 2k18.

When did you first decide you wanted to pursue music and how did you start?

I always had a passion for writing poems, rhyming words etc.I decided to take music as a career in mid 2k17 when I realised that this was one the thing that I was actually good at and it made me happy.I started my journey as a Singer/rapper with the record label

”Artisttaan” in November 2k17

Tell us something about your recent song 'Munde saare kaim'?

I wrote “ Munde saare kaim” in 2k19 but my major focus back then was on singing.I wanted to do a rap song only when I was sure that I could deliver what’s needed from me to make the song sound good to the audience. 

The company “Anihac movies “ wanted to a song for the hip hop audience and that is how “ Munde saare kaim” came into play.

Who is your favourite artist and why?

A musician that I look up to is undoubted” Mickey Singh.”I have always been an admirer of his melodies, voice texture and his contribution to the urban Asian industry.

What projects and opportunities are you looking for the near future?

I am currently working with a couple of record labels and a few promising collaborations are lined up for 2021.

All I am seeking is exposure and appreciation from my fellow artists. My goal right now is to earn as many listeners as possible.

What piece of advice you would like to give to future and aspiring artists?

Passion alone won’t take you anywhere. You need to have a plan as well.Pursue music only if you believe that you are better than many and as good as any cause it’s not gonna be an easy ride initially.

Interviewed by
- Amisha Dhameja

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