Last Stage of Life Old Age: Pros & Cons


Introduction: last stage of life

“All the planet a stage and every one the lads and ladies merely players; they need their exit and entrances and one man in his time plays many parts”, said shakespeare.

In the stage of life, old age is the best part which a person plays. Here he reaps the fruit of labor whether good or bad done during the lifetime. Thus a wise man consciously plans for his old age, quire early in life.

He wisely invests money and imparts good moral and social values to his children, by setting good example for them to emulate. This is for knows “as you sow so shall you reap”.

Previously a majority of the people gets older, round the age of 45-50 years. Now with the development in longevity, old-age is claimed to in after retirement or round the age of sixty.

Time for religious pursuits

Life as per the hindu mythology is divided in to four parts, beginning from balavastha followed by bramacharya, to gristha and finally to vridhavasta.

In bygone years during vridavasta, people moved away from worldly pursuit, seeking nirvana for themselves. Our forefathers therefore trudged to mountains and jungles, forsaking their worldly possessions to seek salvation.

This may not be practical now, nevertheless one seeks spiritual pursuits, by reading scriptures or attending religious discourse. This by itself is a joyful and unique experience, which is better than the hustle and bustle of youthful life.

The pursuit for peace and salvation opens up new vistas of wisdom, which give a new meaning and facet to life hither to unknown.

Age of maturity and engaging in pursuits

Elders are considered to be wise because they need had much experience in their long lives. Many cultures view elders with respect and kindness, and depend on them to pass down knowledge to the younger generations of individuals.

The advancing age brings maturity, wisdom and respectability. People look up to them for advice in family matters. They seek blessings giving the elderly an aura of importance.

The grandchildren are a source of emotional delight, as they bring forth memories of their own childhood. Time is their best companion for it sits heavily on their hands.

This makes them relish in such mundane things as hobby, social work and socializing, for which they now have ample time. The spare time devoted to social work, gives them immense satisfaction.

Such pursuits besides giving inner satisfaction, also add to happiness in their sunset years.

Age of isolation in modern era

The problem of loneliness and isolation is that the gift of recent society. The society forces an oldster to measure like an island. Often he faces the loss of spouse and old friends. In fact, during the adulthood one is faced with multi-dimensional problems.

One of the main problems is that the financial constraint which is basically harder just in case of these old persons who aren't entitled to any social security and have no source of income, completely counting on their spouse or children.

A feeling of loneliness adversely affects their psychological state which shows through some physical problems. In recent times, insecurity of the old, particularly in big cities, has emerged as a matter of grave concern.

The aged persons now feel the need of physical, moral, financial and emotional support from their children, who, being grossly involved in the pursuit of their own career problems, love affairs and family lives, are unable to pay any attention to the requirements of their parents and satisfy their emotional hanger.

Age of frustration due to health problems

However, with increasing age come frustration, because of their wobbly walk, dimness of vision, impairment of hearing and other ailments. These are sure signs of weakening body constitution.

Simple things which did effortlessly, require help from others. Ailments that were previously ignored now require frequent visits to doctor, who ascribe all ill health to age.

First of all, old-age manifests itself through external changes in our body systems. The hair turns grey. Physical features, especially facial, are distorted. The attractive shape and natural glow of the skin vanishes.

Wrinkles appear on the face and therefore the forehead, as if to proclaim at the beat of drum that this person has grown old. Physical strength leaves us leading to general weakness and physical and mental infirmity’.

This slow suffering, the decay of senses makes life frustrating and miserable. The feeling of helplessness and isolation gets further compounded, when they are forsaken by their near and dear one’s who prefers leading their own life.

This isolation and desperation makes them seek refuge in religion, which offers solace adding a new meaning to life.

Conclusion: curious mix age of joy and frustration

The causes of old-age problems lead us to seek out some solution. The solution is extremely simple and within our reach since the issues of old-age are the merchandise of recent times the answer lies not in building more elderly homes but giving them a little care, love and affection.

“As each day well spent bring happy sleep, so a life well spent death”, said leonardo de vinci. Moreover since death is inevitable, there is no need to fear or be frustrated on account of advancing age.

This is for in the words of william shakespeare, “all that live must die, passing through nature to eternity”.

Written by - Adarsh Rai                 

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