Nihal Parashar - Life Is Not About Following Templates. It Is More Than That (Actor, Writer)

Nihal Parashar

Writing and acting - both are an extension of me. I am a thinking human. Whatever I am doing, I will do with excitement.

1. Tell us about your background and journey.

I am from Patna, Bihar. I was born in a middle class family in Chapra. I moved to Delhi for my graduation studies. It was at Delhi University that I got into theatre and it became an important part of my life then. Later, I studied Journalism at the IIMC, but decided not to pursue journalism. And instead pursued writing and acting.

2. How important it is, according to you, that relevant stories are told?

It is very important. Stories are integral to human civilization. Relevant stories is a very broad term though. What is relevant to one class/person, may not be very relevant to other. I feel it is important to say honest stories. People relate to honesty more than anything else. An honey story will always be remembered and will always be relevant. 

3. Do you tend to carry a part of the characters you portray with you?

In theatre or even while writing characters a part of the character remains with you. I remember a character from a play I acted in 10 years back, and sometimes it strikes me - the dialogue, the journey. 

You see a bizarre resemblance in your life with characters you may have acted or written in the past. And this gives me more reason to pursue what I am doing because you get to live many lives in a single lifetime. 

4. Is there any character you wish you got to portray? If so, how different would have portrayed it?

I do not think so. To start with, I have not really done much acting wise. I still have a long path to tread. Even then I do not think I should have done this character or that character. You get to portray a character and you put your life in it. You add your own meaning to it. 

So, any character can be made interesting. And every character can be an extension to your life.  I wish to portray characters with equal honesty. I hope I am able to achieve this someday.

5. What do you enjoy more writing or Acting and why ?

Writing and acting - both are an extension of me. I am a thinking human. Whatever I am doing, I will do with excitement. There are days when I enjoy making food more than anything else. 

I may not be very good at it but making food has given me more joy than anything else.  Writing is my natural reaction to my life. Acting is my reaction to a story I am part of.

 6. How important is introspection for an actor?

 It is important for every human. Actor's job is to observe life more closely. Your observations make you a better actor. Introspection gives an opportunity to become a better human. It is far more important to become a better human than a better actor. It may sound preachy but it is the only truth I know.

 7. What is your mantra for success ?

 I do not have one. Nor do I think there exists one. Everybody's life is so different that no one work on a template of success. Also, success is very subjective. For me my personal life is of most important.

 I care for my family and friends and ensure that the relationships in my life are well balanced. It is the only success I know. Rest everything is temporary. Life is not about following templates. It is more than that.

Nihal Parashar

Nihal Parashar

(Actor/ Writer )

Instagram id : @nihalpashar

 Interviewed by : Adit Koul


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