Prabh Paul Parmar - We Are Very Optimistic About Continued India Expansion Plans of Global Companies

Born in Kuwait, presently a Calgary/New Delhi based multi-hyphenate design professional. Qualified as an architect, he was recognized for excellence in architectural studies.

ANP Group - Real Estate Transaction Service | Feasibility and Architectural Service | Project Management and Complete Execution

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1. Please tell us about your background and journey.

Born in Kuwait, presently a Calgary/New Delhi based multi-hyphenate design professional. Qualified as an architect, he was recognized for excellence in architectural studies. I soon became partner at ANP Group, adding many other verticals, diversifying the group portfolio.

I have global exposure with infrastructure projects delivered across many countries including China, America, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Philippines. Global brands such as P&G, Nissan, EY, NEC Technologies, Siemens, Huawei, Bosch, Credit Suisse, Blackrock, Marriott, BCG, Hinduja, HP, Walmart, KPMG, Renault and many ministries of Indian Government (including Intelligence Agencies of India)has been his customers. 

I am passionate to build Trace cost of comprising a 400 + member design team driven by meritocracy catering to all domains of the design/construction industry by 2023. On my downtime I am a sports enthusiast, dog-lover and hoarder of the strange and wonderful.

2. When and why did you chose this field?

I come from a family of architects and construction company owners. Therefore this domain appealed from the start. Further in college of architecture I got selected amongst handful students PAN India for excellence in architectural studies. 

That further boosted confidence and validated the ability to do well in this field. Further We always betted big on the future economic and infrastructure growth of our country and are committed to growing together with India’s infrastructure industry. 

We are always on the lookout for opportunities to further develop and refine our solutions with like-minded partners from public and private sector. For us, India is the most important market with a massive growth potential. Our country has a competitive and well-qualified talent pool, which will continue to draw global companies in the future just as it has in the last few decades. 

We are very optimistic about continued India expansion plans of global companies, which will necessitate development of new infrastructure not just in Tier-1 cities but also in Tier 2 and smaller cities as well. I personally firmly believe our growth is directly linked to growth in the infrastructure sector. With validated data available for all to see, the growth potential is no doubt exponential.

3. Do you have any favourite or dream project of yours?

For me, infusing technology in construction is a dream. At times construction work is conducted under dangerous condition and situation, thus there is need for robotics to optimize equipment operation improve safety and quality of work. 

Automated construction process leads to a continuous working time through the year. For rapid construction with less risk and good quality there should be more and more use of machines as well as equipment in the construction industry. Human efforts and risks are reduced by using machines, robots, etc. at appropriate places. 

Since India has second largest man – power in the world, automation is not replacements of the human-power but is an important supplement that caters to the need of mega-construction and fast-track construction. Nowadays, in India, the human power is replaced by new technologies of automation because of unskilled labours, as they do not give good quality work as compared to automation. 

Automation increases the productivity of the construction project, reduces the duration and laborious work, and increases the construction safety, increases the quality of work as compared to unskilled workers.

4. How can one identify and appreciate a good architectural design?

Design has always been different to different sensibilities. Something that may appeal to you may not appeal to me. That does not mean it is good or bad. Therefore to define my sensibility is functionality. Any design which has functionality as a prime objective is a good design to me. 

Minimalistic approach further adds a lot of character to the design. Sustainability for the environment can easily be achieved with only consuming what we need. Remember construction globally is responsible for 50% of climate change and 40% of landfill globally.

5. Who is your favourite architect and why?

I personally never had any fav architect(s). There were few things that I always appreciated about each architect. However if I have to name one then Raj Rewal would be it. The simple, straight forms was something that always appealed. 

Understanding the character of the place and then designing a form (building) was always there in all his projects. Nowadays designers make a mistake of aping a design from somewhere and placing it in a completely different environment.

6. Do you have any tips for people who want to join this field?

Do your homework before you plan to join this field. You need to have a very different bent of mind to enjoy this field. If quick monetary success if your agenda then this field is not for you. Remember it is a form of an art. You have to enjoy it rather than commercialize it to understand the real benefit.

Interviewed by - Nishad Kinhikar 

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