Suman - I Can't Count Exactly but Surely a 10-15 Shots per Picture Is What I Go Through to Get the Best One (Blogger)

Writing has been my passion since always, which, is why I took up Journalism in university, worked for a few months at Gulf News, and then responsibilities took over. Gradually I lost touch with writing and during these years, cooking became my passion!

Tell us about your background and journey.

I was born and brought up in Dubai. I have lived here all my life and UAE is my home now. I am a Pakistani, married to an Indian and have a two-year-old daughter. 

Writing has been my passion since always, which, is why I took up Journalism in university, worked for a few months at Gulf News, and then responsibilities took over. Gradually I lost touch with writing and during these years, cooking became my passion! What could be more exciting than your daughter loving home foods made by her mom and her asking for more! Lots of inspiration and motivation has pushed me to keep doing better.

Up till one day, I thought to start blogging and promote my passion here. And then I thought, my writing can get a kick start here, too

So yes, today I am a blogger (who does food reviews and home food), housewife and mother, juggling between her duties, always trying to find time to write (when her daughter sleeps) and honestly, my blog has inspired me a lot to keep going on

Did I just forget to say I want to start my catering business too?  

Which is your favourite cuisine and dish?

I enjoy all cuisines. I believe one should keep trying out different food from different cultures and background. But if you ask me one, I would go for Lebanese food (as I am always on a lookout for them when I plan to dine out).

I don't have one specific favourite dish, I enjoy all kinds of food (just not seafood to be specific), and anything that is grilled, healthy, less oily, less spicy but full of flavours, that is love.

Should blogging be just a passion or can it become a regular career?

It depends on how one sees it. One can promote their interests through it like I do, or make that as a career in future like I would if I plan to start my catering business from here.

How often do you go out to eat?

Thanks to covid, stuck at home, I was completely out of touch with dining ins, but I am back on track! Usually its twice to thrice a week. But sometimes it's daily or every alternate day too.

How long does it take to get a perfect Instagram shot?

TELL ME ABOUT IT! I was waiting for someone to ask me this. Well, I can't count exactly but surely a 10-15 shots per picture is what I go through to get the best one for uploading and then delete the rest its a click click click, then delete pick delete the hardest task ever! Being a good photographer for your own content or hire one to ease your task!

Which is your favourite book and why?

I have always loved mystery thriller books, but then I got into a something different side, like The Kite Runner and Fault in Our Stars (I cried while reading them), which, blew my mind away, but also became my favourite books as it taught me the meaning of life, staying true and positive to yourself, living in the moment and making the most of the present. 

Interviewed by - Saba Parveen

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